Chapter 26

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Kenshirou's pov;
When me and Aria reached the area where Aria and her brothers have been hiding out at. We stopped at the corner of the building and looked around, there was Sliver corner people camping outside.

"There goes that plan, so what now?" I whispered to Aria. She gasped slightly. "What's wrong?".

"Let's get out of here first before they find us." Aria whispered.

We back away from the corner of the building and ran for it to get away from them. We got about a block and a half before we stopped running.

"We should be far away from them," I said, before I sneezed.

"Bless you.. We need to get out of the cold before we get more cold and get sick." She said. I could see our breath from the freezing cold. 

"I agree, but where?" I asked.

"We have a another hiding place, but we won't have blankets other then your cape." She said.

"If it'll hide us from Sliver corner and walkers, then that's fine." I said.

"I know the way so come on." She said, before walking ahead of me.

Her body language was tense, something is on her mind. "Aria, did you see something i didn't?".

"I.. I saw my parents with the Sliver corner group. They are one of them." She said.

"Are you sure, it was them?" I asked.

"Yes, I remember those faces. They haven't changed a bit." She said.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I don't know.. I don't know if I should be happy they're alive or angry they're with Sliver corner." She said

I put my hand on her shoulder. "You can feel both, Aria.".

"Could I?" She asked.

"Of course," I said.

Y/n's pov;
After grabbing my brother from doctor Otogi's office and getting warm clothing for us, my sister, and Kenshirou. We hurried back to the boat and gave the captain death glares as he drove the boat to the main lands.

"I hope sis and Kenshirou got somewhere safe." B/n said.

"Me too," I said.

"You still pissed at the captain?" B/n asked.

"Aren't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, i still am." He said.

"Then there's your answer." I said. I looked up to the night sky coming in as the sun is almost down. "Do you miss Hc/n?".

"Sometimes, but I kinda like it here." He said.

I look at B/n. "You were against us moving to Japan in the first place.".

Nanbaka x Male reader (Zombie apocalypse edition)Where stories live. Discover now