Chapter 12

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Samon's pov;
~The next following morning~

"Oh good the sun's coming up." I thought to myself, as I'm looking out the window when the sun started to come up. I look back at the kids still asleep, Aria was still laying on her back like yesterday while B/n is laying on his left side. I yawned then stretched.

"Are they still asleep?".

I quickly stopped stretching and looked back at the door, it was the warden holding two large mugs In her hands. "Warden, what are you doing up?" I raised my voice above a whisper.

She walked over to me."I always wake up this early and I wanted to check on the kids." I checked the time on my phone and it was six thirty in the morning. "Was there any problems last night?".

"B/n was snoring loud last night, but other than that everything was fine." I replied.

She chuckled and holds out a mug to me."I brought you some coffee, I thought you would like some.".

I grabbed it from her hand and said. "Thank you, ma'am.".

"I hope Aria wakes up today. So we could talk to her as well." She said.

"Me too, I bet B/n is worried about his sister." I said, before drinking some of my coffee. "So did you find anything in the journal?".

"I did, but I'll wait for everyone to show up here. Okina and Kazari needs to hear it." She said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Its about their older brother, Y/n. He might be the key of turning everything back to the way it was." She said.

"Really?" I asked

"Yes, I'm going to explain the parts I found but also I'm going to ask B/n or Aria when they wake up." She said.

"It would be nice to go back to normal." I said. She hummed in agreement, before a meow interrupted us. We turn our heads to the side and saw a black cat with green eyes and has a Nanba hat on his head, he came over and rubbed against the warden's leg. "Where the hell did that cat come from.".

"Hello there." She said, before she bent down and pet the cat. The cat purred to the warden petting him, before he ran up to the beds and jumped on B/n's bed. The cat laid down and curled up into B/n's chest and purred loudly.

In the background, I hear footsteps walking towards this room. Me and the warden looked over to the door way. It was just Okina, and Kazari coming into the room with two iv bags and two feeding bags that has that high calorie protein shake in it.

"Morning, Otogi's." I said.

"Morning," Okina said.

"We came to change the iv bags and start their second day of the high calorie protein shake for their feeding tubes. " Kazari said.

"Alright," Warden said.

"So was there problems with the kids last night?" Okina asked, as him and Kazari went to the kids bed and puts the iv bag and feeding bag on the iv stands.

"Well, B/n was snoring loud last night, but other than that no problems." I answered.

"Snoring?" Kazari looked at me confused, before a loud snore came B/n. "Ohh, that Snoring.".

Nanbaka x Male reader (Zombie apocalypse edition)Where stories live. Discover now