Chapter 11

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Lb/n1= little boy's name #1
Lb/n2= little boy's name #2
Navarin's pov;
While me and the childern were waiting by the door where that man motioned us to stay put. "Mama,".

I look down at my daughter hugging on my leg. "Yes, baby?".

"Why doesn't that man speak? Is he mute?" She asked.

"No, baby, he speaks and understands a different language." I said.

"Ohhh," She said.

"What do you kids think of him?" I asked.

"He seems nice, but weird." She said.

"Nadeshiko, that isn't nice to call him weird. " I said.

"Sorry, mama." She said.

"I like him, he looks cool." Lb/n1 said.

"Especially with that bow and arrows. I want one." Lb/n2 said while pretending to shoot an arrow from a bow.

I chuckled at their behavior, before looking ahead and saw that man who saved us coming back with someone else. The other boy looked familiar but I can't remember where i seen him. When the boy saw me, his eyes widen.

"Mrs. Godai?".

"I'm sorry, do I remember you?" I asked.

"Hitoshi Sugoroku, my older brother is Hajime Sugoroku, he works with your husband." He said.

My eyes widen. "I remember you now, I meet you during visiting hours." I said.

"Yeah," He said.

The guy that helped me and the kids spoke in a language, I couldn't understand. Hitoshi looks at him and started speaking to him in his language. "Do you two know each other?" I asked.

Hitoshi looks back at me."Yes, we went to high school together and we were good friends.".

"Ohhh, so what did he say?"  I asked.

"He asked if we knew each other and what we said." He said.

"So what's his name?" I asked.

"His name is Y/n L/n. He's from Hc/n, him and his family moved here a week before the apocalypse began." He said.

"Do you mind telling him, we're thankful for his help and mind telling him our names." I said.

"Of course, but who are these three?" He asked, pointing at the kids hugging my legs.

I put my hand ontop of my daughter's head."This is mine and Yamato's daughter Nadeshiko." I pointed at the little boy with the scar. "This is Lb/n1," then lastly pointed at the other little boy. "And this is Lb/n2, they were my friend's twin sons before they passed away.".

"I'll be sure to tell, Y/n." He smiled, before looking back at Y/n.

Y/n's pov;
"What's going on?" I asked confused, after watching them talk.

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