Chapter 31

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Announcement for you guys at the end of the book, I promise you'll like it.

Hyakushiki's pov;
Hearing the news about B/n was honestly heart breaking to hear, he was so young and had a new life ahead of him. From that scared little boy to one of the brightest and funniest kids I met, I can't imagine the heart break Y/n and Aria are going through. The least I can do for them is give their brother a proper and respectful burial. We'll have B/n buried next to the honored guards who died for this prison. I hope this is the final child, I have to bury in this prison.

"Please inform the guards and Inmates about the funeral later today. I want to give this child the proper burial he needs to rest in peace. Have a spot saved and ready for him." I said to a small group of guards.

"Yes, ma'am." The guards said.

"Today's a very sad day." I said, before I walk around my desk and leave my office to head to Otogi's office.

~Otogi's office~

I opened the door and walked In to Okina and Kazari taking off their rubber gloves while Hajime and the other guards were standing there as Y/n's back was facing me while sitting down in front of a bed. I walk towards the bed and B/n's body was laying there lifeless. Y/n's body language and behavior was concerning to me. He looked so tired, hurt, and numb, plus he wouldn't keep his eyes off his brother. I looked down and saw blood on his forearm and hands.

I look at the others in the room. "How's he doing?".

"He hasn't talked or moved from that spot since we got back." Hajime said.

"Who's blood-".

"B/n's blood... We managed to close off the bullet wounds." Okina said.

"B/n drowned in his own blood and if I had to guess it was painful for him." Kazari said.

I look at the blood on Y/n then looked back at the Otogi's. "Can I have some stuff to clean the blood from Y/n.".

"Of course, but make sure you wear rubber gloves." Okina said, before him and Kazari walked away and went into the back room. I go over to the counter to grab some rubber gloves and walked back over to Y/n. I took off my work gloves and put on the rubber gloves then pulled up a chair in front of Y/n.

"Y/n," I said. He doesn't respond to me or look at me. I reached over and put my hand on his shoulder and he doesn't even flinch, it's like I'm sitting in front of an empty shell. "Y/n, please say something or do anything.. Please." He slowly turn his head to me and doesn't say a word. I could tell by his red puffy eyes, that his so hurt. I put my hand on his cheek. "Y/n, I'm gonna clean the blood off of you okay." He doesn't say a word to me and slowly turns back to B/n. 

Third person pov;
The Otogi's came back into the room with a large bowl of hot water with soap in it, lots of rags, a towel, and alcohol wipes.

"Here you go, warden." Okina said as him and Kazari set the stuff down on the bed.

"Thank you," Hyakushiki said. She grabbed a rag and dipped it in the bowl then ringed it out. She looks back at Y/n, and grabs ahold of the chair and turned him towards her. She grabbed Y/n's left wrist and started cleaning his hand gently. "I know this is hard to accept, and I'm sorry about your brother.. If you need someone to talk too, we have a great therapist, or you can talk to us. We won't turn you or Aria way in your time of grief." She said, as she's trying to get Y/n to say at least one word. Y/n still doesn't say anything, and all he did was watch over B/n's body. "Is there anything we can do for B/n's funeral? I know you and your siblings are from another country and I know some countries have different ways of a funeral. If there's anything you can think of before B/n's funeral later today, please let us know.".

"... Okay," Y/n finally whispered a word. His voice was raspy from all the crying and begging he did for his little brother to come back. Even though Y/n's attention was on his brother, Hyakushiki was relieved to hear his voice say something, as she continued to clean the blood off of him.

~later in the day~

Hours after B/n's death, Warden Hyakushiki got everything ready for the funeral. Y/n was finished getting dressed into black clothing and hasn't spoken a another word after saying 'okay' to Hyakushiki. A knock came to the door and Y/n turned to look at it.

Hitoshi pops his head in after opening the door and said. "Y/n, it's time.".

Y/n just walked out of the changing room and headed to where the funeral is being held.

Y/n's pov;
Arriving at the funeral me and Aria stood by the burial spot, our brother is going to be buried at. Aria was holding onto some white flowers to put on B/n's grave, I put my arm around my sisters shoulders and waited for my brothers coffin to be carried out.

"I was supposed to protect my family, but instead I lost my only brother." I thought. In the corner of my eye, I see my sons and my daughter with Navarin, and Nadeshiko.

Hajime, Kenshirou, Kiji, Samon, Yamato, and Seitarou carried out B/n's coffin. He was in a grey colored coffin, and the guards set the coffin down on the lowering device over B/n's grave. When the guards backed away, I walked over to the coffin and opened half of it. So I could say goodbye to B/n one last time.

I put my hand on his forehead and just stared him, he looked peaceful for once. "Goodbye, baby brother." I said, before I run my hand through his hair one last time. I moved to the side so Aria can say goodbye to her twin. Aria got beside me and said her goodbyes then backed away. I closed the coffin and just kept my hand on the coffin, I could feel myself trying to cry again but i held it back and stepped away from his coffin.

Hyakushiki stepped forward and faced everyone. "Thank you everyone for coming to the funeral for B/n L/n. This boy was only seventeen years old, and was a survivor on the main lands.. B/n L/n was born and raised from Hc/n, but moved here a week before the apocalypse began.. He's the little brother to Y/n L/n but the older twin brother to Aria L/n.. He was shot through the chest and sadly passed away on the boat ride back after saving Kiji and Samon.. The L/n's were not born and raised here, but they're now citizens of Japan and B/n deserves a proper burial. He will be buried with our honored guards as a thank you for saving our supervisors." Some of the guards and Inmates took off their hats as everyone bowed their head.

Aria leaned against me and I put my arm around her shoulders again and rubbed her arm to comfort her so she doesn't cry again. I just wish the outcome for B/n was different and that I didn't have to bury my little brother.

Hyakushiki walked over to the controls of the lowering device and started to lower B/n's coffin into the ground. Aria lost it again and broke down crying. I tried to hold it back, but I lost it too.

Uno's pov;
The moment Aria lost it, Jyugo ran over Aria and pulled her into a hug. But seeing Y/n losing it is what got me too, and when I saw him about to drop to the ground. I immediately ran over to him and hugged him from behind.

"I got you, just let it out." I said, as I brought him to the ground. He gripped onto my arm and let it all out, all the screams, cries, and pain came out of Y/n. I started to cry too and in the corner of my eye everyone else was crying as well even ones that never met the L/n's. "I got you." My voice cracked.
Hey everyone I hope you guys like this chapter so far!


Since you guys got heart broken from the last chapter and this chapter, plus I'm doing this because I feel bad. I'll make you guys another version of this book from Info through 29 will be the same but 30 down will have a different outcome.

Have a good day/night everyone!

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