Chapter 5

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Amara pov...

"How was dinner?" He asks putting the dishes into the dishwasher. "Well considering it's pizza from my favourite pizza place, I enjoyed dinner thank you very much." I say standing up grabbing a dry cloth and wiping down the coffee table. He just chuckles and continues to fill up the dishwasher with washing liquid and other things the dishwasher needs to do its job.

We finish cleaning up and plunge into the couch."I'm bored.." a deep and tired voice fills my ears." So?" I close my eyes and sigh in content, I was comfortable right here. " Uh, excuse me Amara your my babysitter shouldn't you be the one thinking of what we should do? Unless you want me to cause trouble." He says with mischief lased in his voice.

"Go sleep Dominico, it's your bedtime." I say still closing my eyes. "Fuck no, I'm not some 12 year old you can boss around".

"Okay listen, first of all your mouth let's out the most swear words I've ever heard." I say pointing towards him my eyes still closed. "Oh so you mean to tell me, Amara whatever your surname and middle names are has never swore her entire life?" He says in a matter of fact tone.

"Correct." I say proudly.

"Yeah okay princess." He says standing up. "Where are you going?" I ask opening my eyes. "I'm going for a swim" he shrugs and heads for the sliding doors. "No way it's too late to do that." I say hurriedly and stand in front of him blocking the doors. "Amara are you serious!" He says frustrated.

Why is he acting like this? What can't he just enjoy the quietness of the house and take a nap or watch some TV or something like a normal person? He doesn't always have to be doing something.

"Fine, give me a house tour then." I say giving up. Bye bye peace and quiet. A smile appears on his face and he grabs my hand and runs to the front door. "What are you doing?" I ask confused. " We're starting at the door and working our way up." Ohh makes more sense.

He shows me the living room, kitchen, dining room, jacuzzi area, in-house gym, theatre, and alot more rooms a normal house shouldn't have. Like a sauna room, basically a whole spa in their house. Really unnecessary but whatever. I'd like to try it out sometime though.

He opens one door and says something so inappropriate " and this is the room you and I will make more Esposito babies." He says smiling widely. I just stare at him and we keep moving.

He then leads us upstairs and shows me all the rooms except one.." what's behind those doors?" I ask pointing to the one room he missed. "Oh that's the library." He says in a bored tone and keeps moving." Wait! You have a fricken library in your house!" I say pulling him towards the doors and open them. It was huge, like bookstore huge. I might have never said it but I'm a huge bookworm. I have my own bookshelf at home and I'm almost done with all the books on it.

"Your into books?" He asks gawking at me. "Are you actually dumb or are you just playing with me?" I ask walking into the library. It felt like I was in heaven, so many books to read and so many places to discover. "Well I guess that concludes our tour. I'm going to sleep now." I ignored him and kept on looking at the different books. Where do I even start?

"Wow, all it takes is a few books to shut you up huh" he says trying to get my attention. I ignored him once more. My eyes set on a grey book with white touches, it looked so pretty. But it wasn't a book it looked like an album. Like the ones your parents make for you when your still a baby and give it to you when your older.

"There's a fire in the house Amara run!!" I heard him scream but I was too focused on the pretty album. One problem is it had a lock on it. What type of album has a lock? I wonder what's inside. Before I could take a closer look and the album I got lifted up from the floor and the album fell from my hands. " What are you doing! Put me down Dominico." He just ignored me and kept walking out the room. " Okay okay I'm sorry for ignoring you, just put me down please." I try to sound calm and sincere. He ignores me once more.

"Do you have a hearing problem or what?! Put me down you big headed donkey!" I screamt at the top of my lungs. I really don't think I deserve this kind of disrespect, I didn't really mean to ignore him I was just not paying attention to anything else.

I started hitting him and kicking him with as much force as possible. He didn't even fricken budge?! Like what the heck is he make of? Concrete? He's like a big, huge, brick.

" Okay okay listen, I'll let you eat my secret stash of sour worms, my favourite candy. Trust me you'll love it. Just please put me down?!" I frustratedly exclaimed.

Still no response...

"Are you for real? How long are you going to keep ignoring me Dominico come on now?!" I kicked him and slapped his back. He has a scrumptious looking booty I'll tell you that and slapping it would make me really happy but him very mad..but he's already mad it's so soft yet firm. I wonder how many times he worked out?

This has been going on for too long and getting sick of it. He's gone way too far and he'll regret this.

I started feeling dizzy and nauseous after kicking and screaming for him to let me go. He was walking but I don't know where since my head was upside down. "Dominico I'm going to pass out put me down now!" I scream and he does like he did before, he ignores me. Dots started filling my eyes and my stomach started turning and blood started rushing to my head.

"Dominico please.... I'm b- begging you, let me go..." I started breathing heavily and my eyelids got heavier by the second. My mouth got dry and my throat scratchy I felt so lightheaded.

My surroundings got blurry and the floor started spinning. I had to try and get him to put me down. " Please..D- Domi- Dominico.... put... me.. d- down." While heavily breathing.

My breath shortened and I let darkness consume me....


Hey guys

Seems like Dominico was playing a little too rough this time.

Please don't forget to vote and comment.


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