Chapter 6

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Dominico pov...

I have never been so scared my entire life. Is she dead?

I'd been thinking she was faking the heavy breathing and her saying she feels sick and stuff. I didn't mean to kill her? After the kicking and screaming she bagan begging softly and I thought it was her tricking me so I ignored it. Then when she went limp in my arms I knew I fucked up.

I layed her on her bed and put a cold towel on her forehead, brought her water incase she wakes up. That's the thing I don't know if she's alive or not.

Did I just kill my babysitter? What the fuck is going on? I started panicking and walking around the room like a headless chicken. Fuck I'm going to jail. I'm going to jail for murdering Amara. The fuck was I thinking? Throwing her across my shoulder, letting her head hang for several minutes. Shit.

I headed back to where she was lying and grabbed her hand in mine "Amara please wake up, I really don't want to go to jail but I really don't want you to die too so please do me a favour and wake up" I say looking at her closed eyes and hair scattered around my pillow. She still looked beautiful, dead or alive. She looked peaceful...too peaceful to be alive.

I was about to call an ambulance when she shifted her feet towards me. I let out a sigh of relief. That was the only thing I needed, to know she's still alive.


"Dominico" I heard a faint voice call out and my eyes shot open. It was Amara she was awake!

"Hey... hey don't move, your lucky to be alive." I say trying to joke around. "I was almost dead!?" She exclaimed looking me dead in the eyes." Well yeah, you were out for six hours." I say looking her back in the eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but closed them again and layed back down, facing the other way. I felt like shit. "Listen, I'm sorry Amara, for ignoring you and for you passing out. I didn't mean to harm you." I say looking at her back. She ignored me. "I deserve that, I'm sorry again. I made you food just incase you woke up hungry, I'll go get that for you." Leaving her room and getting her food I poured her some apple juice, her favourite, and a present I went out to get her as an apology.

I returned to her room and she was still in the position I left her in. Shit what have I done? I put the tray of food on her nightstand and she immediately turned around. She didn't even look at me and took her food put it on her bed and started eating, she left a bit of it and said " I'm full, thanks." Still not looking at me. I resolved to the only thing I hoped would help, the human sized teddy bear I bought. It was about her height maybe a little shorter.

"I bought you something?" I started and she didn't look at me. "Please just look at me Amara and I'll leave you alone."  She finally turned to me and her eyes landed on the bear. It was light brown with pink touches. Her eyes got glossy and her lips quivered. She was about to cry. She then looked at me and a small smile appeared on her lips. "For me?" She said in a faint, shaky voice. I nodded and she rose up the bed using her hands and enveloped me into a hug. My stomach felt wierd, it was that feeling you get when you open a present you've always been wanting and you've finally got it. That warm fuzzy feeling.

"Thank you dino" she says kissing my cheek. I chuckle and look away hoping to hide the blush. "I forgive you, and I'm sorry for ignoring you, it wasn't my intention." I kissed her on the cheek and gave her, her teddy bear. She hugged it tightly and said " I'm naming him dino." She said looking at the bear like it was her baby. "So your giving him my name" I gasped dramatically. " Oh so your accepting the name?" She says laughing.

"Well I mean, you call me by it all the time so I might aswell get used to it" I huffed. " Then yeah I'm naming him after you. Aren't you a lucky old man?" She says looking at me teasingly. Old man? "Amara you have point three seconds to correct yourself or I'm taking Dino back to the teddy bear orphanage." I say challenging her. She gasps and giggles " you wouldn't dare." She says in an equally challenging voice.

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