Chapter 16

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• Dominico Esposito

I was freaking out. I was fucking scared. Amara might lose the babies or even die herself in the state she's in! Calm down. I just need to calm down.

Pacing back and forth the waiting room I was so severely forced to stay in by multiple doctors, nurses and security guards my head was spinning and I couldn't think straight. Amara has to be okay. She must be...

"Are you Mr Esposito?" A voice called out breaking me out my worried transe. I walked towards the lady in the white coat. She had alot of makeup on. It was piled on like glue on a broken shoe. She had visible lip fillers and her face looked wierd. Like she couldn't smile.

She had these long ass fake eyelashes that didn't even match the colour of her hair. Her breasts looked like balloons squeezed in a tube in her white coat. All through that she flirted with me. What the actual fuck.

Twirling her hair around her finger and batting her huge lashes she gave me a what I'm thinking is a seductive smile, she failed to do so.

I just fucking miss Amara. I miss her long thick curly hair and her naturally sculpted body. Her body was like a temple I wanted to conquer. She had the most voluptuous lips, they were always pink and soft ready to kiss. I miss her long real eyelashes that make my dick go hard when she looks at me through them. I miss her innocence and her stubborn nature. I just want her back.

"So what about that date?" My train of thought was interrupted by the fake bitch infront of me. What is she talking about? A date? With her?!

Fuck no!

I put my hands behind my back and leaned forward close to her face and let out a deep chuckle. "You clearly don't know who your talking to. I'm Dominico fucking Esposito Don of the Italian Mafia and I don't prance around with females who change themselves for attention. I chase after one woman and she's fighting for our children somewhere behind those doors so if you don't call another doctor to come tell me what the fuck is happening with her.. you'll regret ever twirling your fake hair and cheap eyelashes near me."

Standing back upright she shivers in fear and swallows her saliva. I love the affect I have on people. She slowly steps back and fast walks out of my sight.

Soon after a male doctor came from the same direction the girl came from. "Mr Esposito?" I stand up and walk towards the middle aged man. "Sir your girlfriend is stable. That's all we can tell you before calling GBV forces." Why would they call them?

"What do you mean the GBV forces?" I was more than confused. How did gender based violence get in the mix of Amara being hospitalised?

"Sir we found interesting scars and bruises on your girlfriend's body. " What the fuck? Scars? Bruises?

" you in your right mind think I'm hitting Amara?" I raise my voice a bit. What the fuck is this?

"Authorities will confirm with that Sir, excuse me." Then the fucker left. Like he didn't just inform me that the woman having my babies, the woman I love had bruises and scars all over her. Since when? I've fucked Amara multiple times to see that she didn't have any scars. Are they fresh or old?

My fucking questions weren't even being answered and I needed answers.

Taking out my phone I call Giovanni. This day won't end before I see Amara.


Walking into the hallway the feeling of satisfaction fills my chest because Gio was able to sort everything out and get me access to Amara's room. Walking into the room I immediately see the scars on her exposed arms and chest. Immediately felt my heart shatter. Who the fuck did this? Walking closer I run my fingers gently across her cuts. They felt fresh...

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