Chapter 7: love isn't easily angered

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I won't hide it anymore, maybe I have a crush on Cadmus. I like him. So what if I'm a beggar and he's gold? Well, I won't use him. I really like him. He didn't just meet my standards, he exceeded them. In the short time we were together, I was able to laugh for a longer time than before.

I don't care if I leave the pain that I will experience in the end. I'll be hurt? Okay. That's normal. I'll risk it because of love. I wouldn't risk if he didn't show me potential.

Can you believe? It's been two months since I accepted the invitation to be Cadmus' fake girlfriend. The speed of time is really, really fast.

His sister Cadesia, my friends and his friends are visiting here. He always makes time to be with me even though neither of us admits that we like each other.

He takes me everywhere. At carnivals, photo booths, parks, there are many dinner dates, book dates and many other types of dates.

Today I will visit him again at his office so he doesn't have to pick me up from here at the mansion. These past few days he has been getting a bit busy but he has never complained to me that he is tired when I ask for dates so I want to make up for it.

He said, we are going to his late mother's grave today because he wants to introduce me to her. When I heard that I was almost in tears because I know him as a very private person but now he will introduce his mother to me right away. We've only known each other for two months? Does he trust me that much?

The agreement is about to end... After that, I don't know what's next.

"Ma'am, has Manang Aida given you what Lord Cadmus wants to give you?" The blonde maid asked me when I got down the stairs. It has also been kind to me because maybe it saw that the bonds between Cadmus and I seem really real.

"No, does he have something to give?" I frowned. "What could that be?"

"This ma'am..." She handed me a folder. There were bond papers there full of elegant designs and I could smell his men's perfume there. "Those are poems that Lord Cadmus made for you." She said and smiled at me.


I smiled while counting how many pieces of paper that was. Ten pieces! Not only that... Full of words on the front and back. I took it out when suddenly a small paper fell out.

'My dear Erin, I'm sorry if this one's boring for you and it'll tire you because it's a lot of words. These are my poems that I've written since the day we met. No words can explain how beautiful you are.'

I smiled. But why is he suddenly giving me this? Is there any occasion today?

"Happy birthday, Ma'am Erin!" Suddenly lights appeared from nowhere. Manang Aida was the first to greet. Next I saw Cadesia and Senyor Arcajante on the side. My friends Laurel, Renice and Nirca were also there!

Well... I was so excited about Cadmus and I's relationship that I forgot it was my birthday too.

"What's with the surprising... you guys." I held my chest and laughed. "I forgot about that... Thank you!" I smiled at them all.

Cadesia and Senyor Arcajante kissed me on the cheeks. My friends hugged me. Where is Cadmus?

"Cadmus is still at work now..." Senyor Arcajante spoke as if he could read my thoughts.

I nodded and smiled at him.

"Sister Amber! I have a gift for you. We're on the same birth month! I'm born on September too." Cadesia excitedly came to me and gave me many paper bags. "I got you Limited Edition Prada bags that I got from France last month. I'm sure you'd love them!" She hugged me tightly.

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