Chapter 12: love always hopes

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I woke up to Cadmus kissing me on my neck. I smiled when our eyes met. When I looked at my body I was naked, so was he. We were both covered with a comforter. His arm rested in me as he stared at my eyes.

"Thank you for doing it with me," he smiled at me before kissing my forehead. "I'm sorry if I failed to pleasure you, that was my first time." He scratched his nose.

"First time? Huh?" I asked in surprise. "You never failed to pleasure me, Cadmus... That was the best love making I've ever had..." I smiled at him. "You are a monster in bed!" I laughed.

"'The best'? Why, isn't that your first time?" He asked suddenly.

I laughed. "Of course that's my first time!"

"Then 'the best' is not yet sure... But I'll do better next time instead so that'll be the best next." He grinned before brushing my hair away from my face.

I laughed.

We both heard a call from my cellphone. I frowned. Who is that?

"X? Who's X, Erin?" Cadmus asked me while looking at my cellphone screen.

I immediately grabbed the cellphone from him.

I thought I would be quiet today. That's Jarmin who called me.

"It's my classmate," I smiled at him. "Let's go for a walk."


"When are you going to start?"

I clenched my fist before facing Jarmin. He was just looking at me seriously while I was looking at him intently. We were at the coffee shop again, at the same place where we talked a few days ago.

"Just wait." I said firmly.

This damn guy. I want to rip his head so bad.

He grinned. "I just hope you'll do well... We'll be good. You'll be good. We'll live a happy life and you'll go back to your new life but without worrying financially that much, Erin," He tried to touch my hair but I slapped his hand hard.

"Don't fucking touch me," I said angrily.

"Marry me, Erin, that's included in our deal."

"Fuck you, Jarmin,"

I can't count how many times have I killed him in my mind. My younger self would be so disappointed that I loved someone like him. I'm so glad he helped me get out of that relationship we had and found Cadmus.

"A deal is a deal, Erin and you have to do it. If not, just tell me. I can end him easily. But you don't want that to happen, of course. You love him."

"I'm in college, to chase my dreams! If you loved me, you should've thought about my dreams for myself! You are so selfish!" I screamed at him while my tears slowly fell. "I wish I never met you, Jarmin! I fucking wish we never met! You're the worst!"

His gaze softened. "If only you agreed for us to get back together... I wouldn't go this far."

"Fuck that! He's your friend, right? What did you do? Why are you doing this?" I asked angrily. "You only want me, right? Why do you want me to do such a thing? Why me, huh? Why ruin my happiness?" I asked one question after another.


"After that, I wish to never see you again."

He looked at me with pain. "Fine, let's do that." He scoffed. "You will really do anything just for that guy, huh? You love him that much that you would even sacrifice yourself and your happiness?"

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