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thomas had arrived back in beacon hills two weeks ago- he already missed the gladers like hell. at the moment he was sitting on the sofa pretending to care about whatever scott was on about. he loved the guy but these meetings dragged on and no one had an original idea or plan.

he was about to shove a nail through his head when a familiar sound of a truck screeched down the road.

'it couldn't be' thomas thought to himself. he tensed up regardless. then the dreaded singing. it had to be them. no one else would be screaming the lyrics to 'bella ciao' at this time of the night in beacon hills.

"right. great pack meeting- just phenomenal but i think everyone needs to go home and get a good nights sleep. bye guys"
thomas tried. he began pushing a few of them towards the door but they twisted away.

"stiles what the hell. we barely started. give us a minute. i thought you said it was fine if we did the meeting at yours"

thomas had never agreed to it but that wasn't the problem right now.

"i lied. please leave in an orderly manner as fast as you can. i'll time you?"

still no one budged.

"what has gotten into you bro?"

asked scott a little worried. thomas took a breath. collecting his thoughts and frantically scanning his brain to avoid the collision about to go down.

"it's my uncle and his friends. they are staying for a few days so i need to get them settled in. please, leave"

scott blinked. thomas shot him a wiry grin before yanking his phone out his pocket and dialling newts number.

"where are you guys?"
he asked

"oh my god. i told you he would hear us coming"
newt yelled to the rest of the car

"he should be happy we're here."

he heard someone call from the back.

"yeah. can you guys wait for like... 5 minutes. the packs here. i can't deal with that"

thomas pleaded. scott shot him an incredulous and hurt look. he heard newt scoff down the line.

"just kick them out."

"what do you think i'm trying to do?"

he half yelled. he hung up and stepped back into the living  room. the pack stared expectantly at him.

"well. come on. out you go"
thomas said. with a lot of grumbles and snide remarks the pack slowly filtered out and got to their respective cars. the final one was pulling out his driveway when minhos car screeched round coming to a shuddering stop right next to it.

thomas didn't miss the look of confusion on scott's face as 7 teenagers flooded to thomas. he had already left though and it was clear the group had a lot to talk about.

scott figured he could speak to stiles about it on monday anyway.


thomas breathed a sigh of relief. that had been intense. he instantly spun round to face his family.

"oh come on. where's that grin we were expecting"

gally barked with a large smile of his own.

"you couldn't have given me warning? the pack missed you by an inch. klunk was about to go down."

he muttered eyeing them all up.


brenda tried giving jazz hands. thomas couldn't stay mad. despite himself he began to laugh.

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