uncles friends...

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thomas' POV:

i woke up to the sun glaring in my eyes. i groaned in pain and tried to roll over but newt stopped me from doing so. the ground was rock solid and my back was killing. i took a peek at the sun which was high in the sky by now, what was the time?

i carefully extracted my boyfriend from around my waist and sat up. my head was killing me.  along with numerous other parts of my body- i vaguely remember dancing to bella ciao with minho then both of us toppling into a tree... falling over a log into a ditch and tripping over a passed out alby straight into gally. my head though... that hurt the most it was like someone was blaring base music in my skull. my phone was dead and the gladers were scattered around me. still fast asleep.  i heaved myself up and rubbed my eyes groggily. i stumbled to the jeep and managed to plug my phone in. then rested my head on the bonnet and tried not to throw up. why do my clothes feel so gross right now?

my phone finally charged a little ans i heard it explode with a ton of messages, it's obnoxious beeping making me want to smash it, i didn't- instead i scrambled to grab it and my stomach dropped. fuck.

fifty angry  messages off my dad and at least a dozen missed calls. i checked the time.

11am... we were so late for school. i jogged back over to the gladers in the clearing.

"guys! we gotta go! we are late as shuck!"
i yelled. they jumped to their feet in surprise- weirdly agile despite their... less than healthy faces. they stared at me expectantly. most of them looked like death.

"come on!! we need to go"

i tried again. the franticness in my voice snapping them out of the daze. they scrambled about, shoving everything left in the jeep and picking up all the litter before piling in. i got in after and opened the glove compartment- pulling out water bottles, ibuprofen ans sunglasses. i handed them out to some very regretful people and took some myself.

"right. let's go"

i croaked. i sped down the road trying not to throw up. minho didn't manage that and threw up out the window, all of them were open in preparation for that. we finally screeched into the school parking lot and tumbled out. i quickly sent a message to my dad apologising profusely and got into school. we went our separate ways looking more ill than a polar bear in the desert.

i dragged newt into the maths classroom and headed to the back.

"stiles, newt. nice of you to show up!"
the teacher sniped. i couldn't find it in me to react. i collapsed into the chair, newt next to me and lay my head in my hands- welcoming the darkness.

"sorry we were... stuck in traffic"

i mumbled into the desk the teacher gave me  a  deadpanned look but evidently didn't care enough to ask follow up question.

"as i was saying- using the sin rule you can find the..."

i blocked all the noise out and waited impatiently for the ibuprofen to set in. it was taking it's sweet time and this headache was going to be the death of me- why did we have jäger bombs before? i snuck a glance at newt who was staring off into space, sunglasss perched on his nose- he looked hilarious, i stifled a laugh and took a sneaky photo.  i went to put my phone back in my pocket and found a few loose glow sticks. i pulled one out from behind newts ear like a weird magic trick and we tried not to laugh. there was a ring of them round my neck. at least four bands around newts arm and by he time we extracted them all a small pile of barely glowing glow sticks sat in front of us. i sent a photo to the group chat and it seemed a lot of the others had found just as many. i chuckled lightly.

"how many more lessons"
he asked slowly, as if every word took him a moment to formulate. i thought for a moment, we had lunch then biology then.. gym. we were skipping gym that's for sure. that was enough effort from us today. newt yawned loudly, his head almost hitting the table as he drifted in and out of consciousness.

"technically two. we're only doing one"
i muttered. newt sighed loudly making me laugh. the teacher shot us a glare. scott was also looking at me strangely.

i mouthed.

'where were you?'
he asked across the room. i pulled out my phone and went to our texts.

stiles: nowhere

scott: come on. what rhe hell is going on?

stiles: we just slept in late that's all

scott: ...

scott: talk after class.

i rolled my eyes. why did he need to know again? i was not telling him i got so drunk that colours merged together. he barely touched alcohol. he would not understand the appeal. although at this point though even i couldn't.

newt leant his head against my shoulder and fell asleep instantly. scott gave me another look but i was not about to move newt. i just pretended to pay attention to the teacher instead.


"hey bro. what's going on?"
scott asked jogging to catch up with me and newt. i heard newt sigh beside me in irritation. a small smile stretched on my face.

"we slept in"
it wasn't technically a lie... we just slept in outside.

"i feel like your spending way more time with them than us. i don't think these are just your uncles friends... tell me the truth"

he asked. eyeing newt up and down. i stood a little in front of him.

"they really are- i was just showing them around. my uncle told me to. i'm sorry dude."
i lied again.

scott looked anything ur convinced.
"fine. you're coming to the pack meeting tonight though right? you've missed a ton recently."

oh shit. we were supposed to watch a marathon of movies tonight. i needed to go to at least one pack meeting this week though.

"yeah course. what time,"

"7pm. my house"

i nodded and waved goodbye as me and newt walked off.

"seriously? just your 'uncles' friends?"
newt asked bitterly.

"um sorry it's just easier this way"
i apologised. damnit my dad was right- this was getting all too much to keep secret. maybe i couldn't live two separate lives. who am i kidding. i survived the maze, i can survive wolves.

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