getting called out

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the movie ended and i shut it off, i cleared my throat, catching everyone's attention.

"hey thomas how was the meeting?"

i cast a sheepish glance at them all.

"uhh, not great"

I admitted, they leaned forward in interest

"well, they know I met you guys years ago, uh- they kinda are suspicious about the idea that I was actually kidnapped and...."

mino raised an eyebrow

"and what?"

i cringed

"i- i need you guys in on another lie..."

groans and shouts erupted from the gladers. they all looked pisses off- i  turned to newt who looked more than upset.

"guys please- juet a small lie that's it"

i tried. i didn't want to make them do this but i couldn't see another way.

"yeah then how many more you shank?"
minho asked angrily.

"it's lying about who we are today- lying about being fairies and nymphs tomorrow. jesus thomas!"

gally barked his eyebrows closely knit. a few murmurs of agreement rose up from the group.

i shot another glance at newt, silently pleading for help but he looked livid.


oh shuck, he didn't say tommy

"-i'm sick of this. i'm sick of the lies- having to pretend we're nothing more than acquaintances, having to feel embarrassed about our pasts- about who we are. i'm done with all of this klunk youre- youre acting like a real shucking coward"

i tried to object but he was on a rampage

"and don't try and say this is your last because we all know you will keep lying until either you lose from them from your life or the truth is revealed"

I struggled to form a response and gally shouted

"hear, hear"

I hated to say it but he was right- of course he was its newt- I had been lying too much, I went to reach for him but he turned on his heel an stalked out the room. shit.

the gladers shot irritated glances at me and I wanted to run- theres some irony in there somewhere... I heaved myself up and bid goodnight to the others, I got begrudging responses.

I walked up to my room quietly and carefully opened my door, newt was already lying down, facing away from me. I sighed inwardly but a smile creeped onto my face as I saw he was in my shirt,  I stripped till I was only in my boxers.  and slipped under the covers newt didn't move, I stared up at the ceiling for a while- lost for words. moonlight filtered through my half drawn curtains, giving newts hair a pale silver sheen. i swallowed my pride.

"I... im sorry, I know I asking too much of you guys."

newt huffed softly but said nothing.

"im.. im just scared, scared of losing them or having them hate me, im scared of what they will think and how it will affect us... but I know, I know its all just shucking-"


I chuckled lightly.


I whispered back. we lay there for a little longer, it was less tense but I still wanted everything to be okay, I wanted it to just be us- the whole world could be gone for all I care as long as I don't lose newt- you might think its selfish but I couldn't care less, I got like this every time we had an argument, its like it reminded me of what I could lose.

"listen tommy"

I was so glad to hear 'tommy' again.

"I get why you want to lie, and I get that you in a weird way are trying to protect us, like you always do... but im serious, you need to stop, you cant keep this up forever and your gonna be living two lives until you do. you shouldn't care what they think, you should care about us- your family"

he was right.

"yeah- this, this is the final one, I promise"

my tongue felt like led and I knew I couldn't keep my word as soon as the words left my mouth, but when newt turned back around and hugged me tight, laying his head on my chest with a content sigh, I couldn't bring myself to take it back.

"thank you tommy, and Im sorry I got so angry earlier"

I shook my head.

"no you have nothing to be sorry for, I needed the wakeup call"

I swore, tightening my grip on him. I felt him grin against my chest, I cuddled closer to him. our fights never lasted long, thank shuck.

we fell asleep in each others arms and I was fine to just live in that moment, all the rest of my problems could be dealt with later, not now.


morning came round much too quickly and i heaved myslef up out of bed- for once newt was awake before me so my room was empty, i threw on some clothes and jogged down to the kitchen. the gladers were scattered about aside from newt who i still couldn't see.

"hey thomas, so did you tell the pack we came from a volcanic eruption yet?"

minho teased making the rest of them chuckle

"or did you tell them about how bravely we fought in antarctica against rabid penguins?"
alby chimes in earning more snickers.

"ha ha ha, honestly you guys are just such a hoot"
i responded dryly as i made a cup of coffee, this made the snort more.

"no please, go tell them about the dinosaurs we befriended in the mediterranean sea"
gally mused raising an eyebrow.

i put one hand up in mock surrender.

"i've already promised newt no more lies, this is the final one and it's not exactly a lie, i just bent the truth a little"

"yeah well i'll bend your arm out of shape if you don't clean up your mess"
frypan muttered threateningly. i gulped and nodded feverishly.

i made another cup of tea for newt and spotted him out the front door. i walked towards him, barely dodging a spoon frypan threw my way when he saw my mess and sat beside him silently. the sun was warm on my face, it was a beautiful morning.

i handed him the cup which he took gratefully, newt thanked me with a soft smile and sipped the drink, sighing in content.

i grinned a little wider and he dropped his head onto my shoulder. for a moment we just watched the song birds flitting through the trees and chasing each other in the blue sky.

newt broke the silence
"thanks for putting an end to the lying, i know it's hard but i promise it will make things better"
he murmured, eyes still fixated on the dancing birds. i felt myslef not but my stomach had twisted into ugly knots.

i couldn't stop lying, if the pack ever found out then... then all hell would break loose? not to mention the few of them i care about id lose. but at the same time, i couldn't keep doing this to the gladers, it wasn't right. i'd figure something out... i just had to.

sorry for the short chapter, more of a filler but thank u MarvelMulitverse238 cuz if u hadn't told me to write this i definitely wouldn't have, i needed to get off my ass and stop procrastination xx

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