deep, drunk chats

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Minho finally pulled the jeep to a stop at the top of a large cliff, it overlooked the whole town, thomas' eyes widened as he surveyed the lit up town, he glanced up to see it was a clear night, the stars flickered softly.

"you like it? stumbled across it on a midnight run"

Thomas nodded in approval- unable to rip his eyes away from the scene. he heard a lot of rustling behind him and turned to see Minho placing blankets and pillows in the back of the jeep, he moved to the door again and dropped all the drinks in there too.

"well come on, I said we were gonna get drunk, lets do it ya shank"

Minho cajoled, Thomas lauged heartily, it felt good, he clambered into the the back an joined Minho, they leant against the side for a moment, just staring at the stars, the constellations lit up in thomas' eyes, for a brief moment he reached for his phone, wanting to tell newt which one was the most clear that night like the two always did when they were apart- before halting. he placed his phone back in his pocket with downcast eyes. Minho sighed, shoving a drink which was mostly vodka and a drop of coke into his hand.

"bottoms up?"

he asked, getting thomas' attention. he held an identical cup in his hand,

"to getting so drunk we cant speak"

Thomas said with a faint smile, Minho grinned back. they clinked and downed it all in one, slamming their cups on the floor with triumph.


they were an hour in to their night, a bottle of vodka and six ciders down when Thomas reached for his phone again, missing the pocket a few times, he pulled it out before sighing sadly, staring at news contact and placing it back in his pocket.

Minho rolled his eyes, well tried to.

"come on, im sick of the feeling sorry for yourself act."
he slurred, Thomas turned to him with a frown.

"I don't feel sorry for myself, I feel shit- I fucked up one of the few things I care about and now I cant talk to one of the few people I want to. so excuuuse me if im a little bit of a downer huh?"

Minho shook his head softly.

"well, in that case ill play therapist, I don't even know what happened- well I do but not your side of it.. I know newt and uhh red heads, not yours so come on- lay it on me- why were you swapping spit with a 2 when your 10/10 boyfriend was at the door?"

Thomas groaned loudly in annoyance,

"pass me the bottle of rum and ill tell you"

Minho did, missing the bottle a few times before handing it over and listening intently, Thomas threw the bottle back- taking a few large gulps before wiping his mouth and dropping the bottle down, he shifted slightly, unknowingly but-dialling newt, in his drunken state he had forgotten to turn it off.


could be heard faintly from the other line- it was lost in the soft music they had playing though. Thomas lay back slightly, watching the stars as they appeared to vibrate.

"I- I didn't even invite her, I had invited newt because I wanted to talk over stuff, I wanted to get it out there that im sorry for being such an ass about this, that I should've been open from the start and that I was terrified. now I think back on it though I don't even know what the big deal was I just knew that I was living two lives and one side of my life I cared about deeply and the other I was more afraid of"

he took a moment to hiccup, blinking quickly, Minho took another swig of the bottle of pink gin he was nursing as Thomas did the same with his rum. he took a moment to let it sear his throat before continuing.

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