a smidge

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i was sat down on scott's sofa staring at the cream coloured ceiling. wishing i was anywhere else, i'm so jealous of the gladers who are at home watching movies instead of this. the others droned on in the background. i payed them no mind. it was all white noise.  i had been there for around 30 minutes and i don't think i'd spoken to a single one of them. except greeting isaac right at the start. scotts voice snapped me back to reality- he sounded irritated.

"hey stiles. wanna give an opinion?"

i dropped my head down to scott who was staring expectantly at me. as were most of them- shit. what were they talking about? i scanned the map on the table for answers, it was a mess... did no one ever tell them how to colour code? or use recognisable figurines... was that a spiderman lego?

"uh. about?"

i tried- not learning anything off the poorly done map. jackson rolled his eyes with a hiss of his teeth.  scott's shoulders dropped, he held a look of a kicked puppy.

"oh come on. where's your head today? we are looking at a new threat... a few witches have been sighted on the edge of the far forest"

i shrugged. not really caring. seriously? witches?

"you can leave witches alone- they are probably passing through. witches move around a lot"
i stated. pretty sure they could have come to that conclusion without me.

scott sighed as if i were an obnoxious child.

"no. we need to know what they want. why they are here and for how long"

how am i supposed to know? i want to say but i hold my tongue. why on earth does it even matter so much to him? after all, witches are renowned  for being secluded and relatively polite.

they kept talking between themselves seemingly trying as hard as they could to forget i was here. that's fine, i want to forget im here too.

"how much longer?"
i asked after a small period of silence. i tried to keep the boredom out of my voice but failed.

"you need to be somewhere stillinski?"
jackson asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"i need to go check up on... my uncles friends"

a couple of them sighed.

"stiles come on. at least tell us something. we're your pack- your freinds- your family... it isn't right to be keeping so many secrets"

a few looked away at the mention of family, yeah, great freinds they are. but maybe i should tell them something... scott at least deserves to know. this constant back and forth between two separate lives was becoming increasing exhausting and i'm sure scott would understand.

"what do you want to know?"

i finally said. the room fell silent for a moment. all thinking of something to ask. suddenly very interested in what i had to say, their eyes were trained on me and i couldn't help but shift uncomfortably.

"when did you meet?"
isaac asked out of curiosity. i turned to him. that couldn't give too much away right?

"three years and seven months ago"
when i first woke up in the box. a few of them shared a look.

"when you went missing?"
mason said slowly

"you met them when you were kidnapped?"
allison piped up disbelievingly. 

"stiles how the hell did you meet them if you were kidnapped"

oh. shit. and so the web of lies expands.

"well... they were kidnapped too..."
i tried rubbing my neck.

"but i thought you said they are your uncles friends?"
scott said suspiciously. oh god.

"and they are! it was a coincidence. i saw them after we were rescued when i went to stay with my uncle again"

i blurted, oh my god that's not believable in the slightest. scott pulled a face at me.

"tell us the truth"

"i am! for shucks sake i am!"
i half yell.


oh my god why am i so dumb.

"another word for fuck"

"yeah... i gathered but why"

i shook my head. they didn't get to know nothing else. i had already dug myself a hole. how was i gonna get out of this?

"no reason. anyway it's late and i need to get home, see you guys at school"

and with that i practically ran out, i heard a few yells from scott and isaac- telling me to stay and explain but i kept moving forward. i needed to get home.

i drove quickly down the road, struggling to not freak out. i shouldn't have told them anything- i should have stayed silent. not utter a word. now what? i had to fill the gladers in. had to ask them to lie for me yet again. i got the feeling they were getting sick of it...


i burst into my house, they were all sprawled around the living room with popcorn bowls everywhere, eyes glued to the tv screen which was blaring the battle in civil war. no one looked up. too enraptured by it.

"hey tommy"
newt called shifting over on the sofa to make room for me. he still didn't tear his eyes away though. i couldn't blame him.

i sat down and wrapped an arm round his shoulders, he leant back into me.

"how did it go?"
he whispered.

"so bad"
i responded.

he chuckled lightly and offered me the popcorn. i took it gratefully and began to watch the movie.

i felt much more comfortable. surrounded by my family- not the pack. my family. my lie can wait a few hours, i'm sure nothing will go wrong 

sorry it's short. no hate x

secrets of hisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora