kicked twice

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my alarm clock was a saint MarvelMulitverse238

thomas ripped off his shirt, shoving it angrily into his bag before grabbing his sports one. he was late to try ours but couldn't find the energy to care. one of the younger years made the mistake of staring at him too long and Thomas death glared him till he left. the night before had been tense, newt hadn't spoken to him directly and the rest of the gladers had rightfully taken his side. it had made everything uncomfortable and a little bitter.

thomas already missed his boyfriend and was wallowing in self pity.

the gladers had refused to show up for lacrosse try outs which had made coach go mental- he wanted to skip too but scott had cornered him and made him go too. thomas was seething, he couldn't even talk to newt then. the gladers had decided to go back to the lake without him, he knew he deserved it but he had to admit it still hurt.  he was currently turning the gears in his head to think of a way to apologise or make up for his behaviour but nothing was useful. he slammed the locker door, its hinges rattled and groaned with the strain.

Thomas grabbed his helmet and dragged himself out to the field. coach shot him a glare  but said nothing, anger and frustration was radiating off him. the pack shot him confused looks but he sucked in air through his teeth and ducked his head, avoiding their eyes, he caught isaacs gaze who gave him a sympathetic smile. thomas let out a breath he didn't know he was keeping in.

he walked onto the pitch, looking much more calm than he felt but his  hold on his lacrosse stick so tight it could have snapped. coach blew the whistle loudly- a couple of the wolves winced in pain and he took off. he was trying to take out all his anger in the game.

thomas weaved and dodged through players, sprinting around the field with a constant scowl on his face. liam made the error of getting in his way and thomas leapt over him; shoving his head into the ground in the process, a little too harshly for it to be considered an accident. scott shot him a disapproving look but thomas kept going.

he scored time and time again but still didn't feel an ounce better. he had stolen the ball off the pack multiple times. out for an odd type of vengeance as he found himself more and more angry at scott. of course he knew it was his fault but for the way scott had been acting towards him and the gladers, he was pissed.

coach was all too happy with his new change of pace. the pack looked seething as a collective.

Thomas was juggling the ball skilfully when Jackson barged into him, he staggered slightly but didn't go down. they fought for possession and Jackson growled something so low Thomas almost missed it.

"scotts kicking you out after this, what you gonna do then? the gladers have already abandoned you"

Thomas furrowed his eyebrows at his words. he didn't dwell on those about the pack but how did Jackson know about the dispute with the gladers? had scott already ran his mouth?

he snatched the ball and ran to the goal, throwing it in with all his force. he didn't look back at the kanima. his next delightful interaction was with mason- it was a little less aggressive but still unwanted. Thomas had ran to steal the ball and mason had mentioned it under his breath.

"look stiles, hes gonna kick you out. don't make a big scene of it"

Thomas did respond he kept playing right till the final whistle blew. he took a place next to Isaac as they waited to hear who was on the team. Isaac gave him a soft nudge.

"guess Jackson and mason already told you huh? well its unlucky but you have the gladers and we can still be friends"

Thomas snorted.

"friends with you. only you. i don't want the rest of the shuckers."

he muttered, turning his attention back on coach who was tapping his board with a pen aggressively.

"I don't know why im looking at this. its empty except from a few cocktail recipies."

he flipped the board round to prove his point before flinging it to the side, narrowly missing greenburgs head. a look of disappointment crossed his face.

"okay... McCall, Lahey, stillinski, Whittemore, Mahealani, dunbar, greenburg- begrudgingly- Hewitt, and... when they arrive... Minho, gally, frypan and alby. I would have liked to use their surnames but there is none that I know of and I don't care. now go home"

the unlucky few not chosen sulked back to the locker rooms, Thomas was about to follow when scott stopped him. he was about to go speak but thomas' phone buzzed. he silenced the other instantly, much to the rest of the packs surprise and picked up- it was newt.

"newt? are you okay??"

"yeah tommy... fine"


he asked after a period of silence.

"uhm, look tommy im gonna stay at isaacs- just for a few days, the gladers say they're gonna flit between. I know this is hard for you but its hard for us too... ill talk to you later. bye tommy"

Thomas swallowed thickly, guilt settling in his gut accompanied by an overwhelming amount of sadness and anger. scott coughed loudly, drawing his attention partially back to the conversation.

"stiles- youre out the pack, you keep to many secrets, you act as a little bit of a dead weight and were done having to guess when you can show up and when youre gonna keep your word."

Thomas nodded, still computing newts words.

"yeah yeah okay that's fine. bye guys"

scott and a few of the others jaws dropped, Thomas went to walk off but scott grabbed him again.

"is that it? okay? glad to see you don't care in the slightest. I mean com on stiles, I expected a little bit more at least. we are youre family and we just dropped you. don't you care at all?"

he half yelled, Thomas shot him a chilling look.

"I have more important things to deal with than this level of teenage drama, sorry for not caring about this type of klunk but if youre gonna drop me then do it. im not gonna ask to come back"

and with that he began to job back to the locker rooms- eager to get to newt and the gladers, to patch things up.

"and its Thomas not stiles"

he yelled over his shoulder to where the pack still stood bemused. he couldn't deal with that right now. he had his actual family to return to.

heyyyyyy. sorry for any mistakes. thanks sto for the reminder (:

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