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2 days later

thomas' POV:

being apart from the gladers in lessons put me on edge. sure, i had newt with me- thank god- and whilst i knew i didn't need to worry so much with frypan, aris and brenda but with minho, gally and alby it was a whole other story. gally was like a ticking time bomb- unsupervised.

they were all more likely to blow a fuse. more likely to punch one of the pack in the face and i had a gnawing doubt in the back of my mind that something was soon to go down. i was already on thin ice with the pack- another hiccup and i would be fucked.

newt placed a hand on mine, guess i had been fidgeting too much. i gave him a soft smile but moved our hands to under the table incase one of the pack saw.

i noticed a look of sadness briefly flicker over his face. a pang of guilt hit me. i couldn't come out to the school. not yet. but then again... i felt horrible keeping me and newts relationship hidden, he was the best thing to come into my life i shouldn't be keeping that quiet. my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door crashing open.

isaac burst into the room looking alarmed. he hurried to scott giving me a passing look of terror. he whispered something into scott's ear. i strained to listen.

"they are WHAT?"

scott shouted back- the idle chatter of the class fell silent. he turned round to glare daggers at me and newt. i felt newt tighten his grip on my hand.

"the hell is wrong with your friends? are they wild animals or something?"
he spat with an anger i rarely saw. i stood up quickly- startling him slightly. who was he to talk about the gladers like that. i noticed all eyes were on us and suddenly felt uneasy- never mind that though, what the bloody hell  is going on?

"the shuck did you just say? don't talk about them like you know half the klunk they have been through"

i said defending them. who the hell did scott think he was? scott growled lowly.

"your little friends are currently fighting our pack. i think i know enough"

what. oh... oh no. i paled- as did newt. we shared a look before sprinting out the classroom ignoring the cries of protest off our teacher. scott and isaac were right behind us.

"where are they?"
i asked isaac frantically. he pointed out the doors to the lacross fields. oh god i hope they haven't hurt the pack too badly.

"i hope the pack are going easy on them"
scott muttered. i heard newt snort. scott shot him a glare.

we ran out the doors and into the sunshine. wasn't very fitting for the scene outside though.

minho, gally, alby and frypan  were clashing with jackson, liam, allison and mason. the rest of the pack had smartly stood to the side- i was almost thankful. aris and brenda were also on the side cheering the gladers on. i sighed

"guys that's really not helping"
i yelled to them as me and newt jogged across the pitch.

aris and brenda stifled their laughter and i shot them mock angry looks  newt went and sat by them i heard him asking what went down. the look on his face was furious. i don't think i had ever seen him look like that. i don't think i ever want to see it again. 

there was no time to see if minho and the others were morally entitled to beat the klunk out the pack. i needed to break it up before it caused any more upset. the teachers were sure to come out soon.

i hurried over to minho who had jackson in a headlock spinning him around. in any other circumstance i would have laughed loudly. too many times had i been on the receiving end of that particular move.

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