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no ones POV:

"high achiever, don't you see baby nothing comes for free you say i'm a control freak driven by a need to succeed"
they yelled, brenda and aris going high whilst the others went lower.  grins were plastered on their faces as the jeep swerved round corners. a few had their heads out of the windows, hair blown back whilst they laughed into the wind.

"oy Thomas- wheres the nearest river, lake or creek?"

Minho shouted from the back seats, his voice barely made it over the music blaring out the speakers,

"theres a lake right by the forest. why?"

he answered, turning back to face him. Minho grinned.

"just trust me, go there"

Thomas shrugged and took a sharp left turn, he swerved at a dangerous speed down a dirt road, kicking up dust as he went.

when the lake came into view everyone audibly gasped- the moon shone brightly on the still water, only occasionally broken by a fish which sent ripples across the expanse of it.  the water was a rich dark blue, crickets nearby hummed a melody for it. large weeping willows hung over the side and Minho told Thomas to pull up there.

once the jeep  slowed to a stop everyone jumped out- more accurately barrelled out of the small jeep-  and got to work, first brenda and frypan hung up the fairy lights in the trees, brenda balanced precariously on his shoulders as frypan tried desperately hard not to laugh and send her tumbling over his head. once done the lights glowed warmly and gave the others enough light to set up a small camp in a clearing just to the side of it, the clearing was filled with wild flowers and sourrounded by willow trees. there was a large hole in the canopy which let the flickering stars shine through, they threw down the blankets and pillows followed by duvets on top. then they returned to the bank and the jeep, setting down the tyre, the rope, all the drinks, the pool floats and the glow sticks.

gally went and got a load of firewood with alby and soon a bonfire was roaring in the centre, the gladers scattered around  it each with a drink in hand, the warm glow of the fire illumated their faces and soft music played off a pocket sized speaker to the side of it.

"right. time for drink or dare""
newt yelled after a moment of silence. the gladers moved closer together coolers of alcohol close by for their inevitable use.

"thomas. drink or... invite the pack"
thomas snorted.

"okay. i'll call the pack out now"
he made a big show of grabbing his phone as they all yelled at him to stop. he laughed loudly and pocketed his phone again. thomas took a large chug of gally's' drink. wincing as it seared down his throat.

"alright uh- okay minho- make out with newt or drink"
gally said with a cocky smile. minho stood up and swaggered over to newt but one glare off thomas and his ass was sat back down chugging his drink like it was water.

the gladers burst into laughter. this went on for a while before no one was steady on their feet. aris  and benda were using each other as crutches which inventively led to both sprawled on the floor frypan, alby and gally managed to get the tire swing hung up over a low hanging bough.

gally said patting the tyre in triumph.

"whose going first?"
thomas' hand shot up and a few whooped. he stripped down to his boxers and hopped into the tyre. gally shoved him hard without any warning, he went flying out and bombed into the lake- breaking its stillness.  after a moment he resurfaced with a grin. the gladers cheered loudly, a few birds fled from the trees at the sound.

they spent around thirty minutes pushing each other in or jumping off branches into the cold water. laughing and messing about- having chicken fights or dunking each other under and eventually everyone was too cold to continue. they shivered uncontrollably, laughing just as much.

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