Strange feeling.

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Sanji's POV:

My eyes widened as i yawned from waking up, i was extremely tired. I rubbed my eyes with the palm of my hand and blinked rapidly to see more clearly.

I sat up and looked at the time, 6:32 AM. i started to get up and walk out to go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for the crew. It was a tough job considering how much my captain Luffy eats.

I realized i forgot to brush my teeth and went to the bathroom instead, i saw my dear Robin-chwan there.

"Robin-chwan??" I said in a sweet tone. She looked at me, "Good-morning, Sanji-kun.", she said in a welcoming voice.

A slight blush appeared in my cheeks, since it was so early in the morning i didn't wanna bother her, so i just smiled and went to brush my teeth and freshen myself up.

She left eventually, and i finished a couple minutes after she did so.

I lit a cigarette, then I walked back to the kitchen and saw the dumb marimo, the hell was he doing up so early? He usually sleeps in.

I ignored it, i wanted to have a peaceful day.

I started to prepare to cook until he spoke up. "Hey, cook.", he mumbled.

I looked back at him, "What do ya want?", i spoke with a little sass. He looked at me like he wanted something, i stared at him confused.

"I was wondering..uhm...if we could talk.", he said nervously. I find it kinda suspicious on why he was acting weird, "Sure..?", i responded back to him.

He got up and walked in front of me, i got a little..well, scared? Not sure how to put it.

He slowly moved his hand and placed it on mine grabbing it and holding it. I don't know why but I felt weird, my face was heating up. Am i blushing? Why would I..? i looked at him, he looked surprised, i could notice blush on his face as well.

He pursed his lips and quickly ran out of the kitchen. I started shaking a little, i wasn't scared, or nervous.. i felt strange. I could feel the blood rush up to my cheeks.

It was such a strange feeling..

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