I might not ever update.. like ever?

529 10 18

Hi! I had started making this a bit while back, it probably has been over a year and I barely update at all.. but I appreciate you all, cause you know- I get a ton of attention from you guys but I have family issues. I probably have recently said that in my A/N's that you probably skipped. Thank you for the reads and votes and very funny comments(I giggle while reading them.)

I was honestly shocked from having over 25k views? Reads? Idk, but also by the 300+ votes. Thank you a ton! But due to family I cannot update any further. My father and mother argue a ton and this is a bit awkward to say because one of my irl friends knows I have wattpad and checks every time i update this story.

But continuing on about my parents, they always get into heated arguments and of course, being the toxic parents they are, they drag their children into it. It's not like their abusing me physically, or as if it's my moms fault which it's not because a have a crappy father— he's the one mentally abusing me constantly, almost every single day I get scolded by him for practically doing nothing. I mean, once I opened my fridge to eat and yelled at me and told me to ask him when I want to eat and when I do he yells at me for eating to much?? Like bro? I don't even get to eat because of you.

Things my father does: Yells at me constantly, body shame, be homophobic, be racist, be disrespectful, commit crimes, mentally abuse his children, cares about his ex-wife's children more than his current children, always get into arguments with my mom, constantly moan like a creep, compares his current children to his ex-wife's children, whine about supporting his children, yell at me for using the money I earned for constantly working around the house, force his children to treat him as if he's a king— no seriously, he treats us like some sort of slaves. He hit my brother because my brother didn't wanna hug him back after my dad yelled at him wrongfully(like what?), yells at my sister for not being at home enough when she's either working or at soccer practice, he caused my eldest sister to move out because she was his step-daughter, be a liar, constantly "borrows" money, drink, smoke and vape inside the house and car, etc etc..

Is that enough reasons why I can't post because of my father? Once again sorry I'm giving a cliffhanger. There's a 2% percent chance I'll ever update again unless it's for thanking you all. Love you chaotic Zosan lovers. <3

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