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HELP.. NOT ME LEAVING YALL ON A CLIFF HANGER FOR ALMOST TWO MONTHS.. 💀 ANYWAY.. thank you for the comments and views😋💕 The comments you guys leave are so silly 😭 sorry for not posting for so long. As I said in my last chapter my dad is a asshole, and I also have schoolll... 😾 IT WONT LET ME ADD A SILLY PICTYRE. OKA CONTINUING..

Recap from last chapter cause I forgor everything:

"U-uhm.. we uh..", Zoro said in sync with Sanji, they fiddled around. Dusting off their clothes. Hell they thought Luffy didn't know about stuff like that, how does he know about sexual things? The guys stupid as FUCK.

They prayed Luffy wouldn't say a thing.. but how will they explain what's going on?..


"Uh..— well.. so- how do you even know about that type of stuff?!" Sanji stuttered nervously, crossing his arms, Zoro just stood there awkwardly. Luffy tilt his head and responded.

"Cause Torao and I had sex!" The black haired boy spoke with a tone of innocence. Sanji and Zoro froze and stared in shock. "You had fucking  what?!" Zoro yelled in disbelief "I'm flabber-fucking-gasted." Sanji said.

"Whut? It's like a friend thing right?" Luffy answered confused. Zoro went silent for a second, Sanji turned his head and looked over at Zoro. Sanji placed his hand on Zoro's shoulder. "I know it's wrong.. but you need to stay calm with me on this, Marimo."

"Stay calm?? The fucking surgeon is a perverted pedo! He's like 7 years older than Luffy!" Zoro shouted angrily, Sanji flinched slightly. "Mosshead! I get it, it's creepy but it's best if we stay calm till we speak to the guy.". Zoro rolled his eyes and nodded gently, realizing he was scaring Sanji a bit.

Luffy stared confused. "Ehh? Is something wrong?" "Uh.. we'll talk about it later.. just.. don't do that type of stuff with Trafalgar anymore." Sanji mumbled.

"But it felt good?"..."see, I told you we couldn't trust that creep!"..."Shut it mosshead.. Luffy no, he's tricking you."..."but he'a my friend."..."He's taking advantage of your captain, dart board-brows."..."oh, will you just shut it?!"

A/N: i got lazy... errrrmmmm! I should never speak again because of that. ANYWYA, so. I will most likely not post till next month, but if there's a chance I might post sooner! 😋 more comments, they're entertaining.

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