Talk then School

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I wait by the door for my father to give me "the talk" as usual. He normally says to make no friends, which I highly doubt I will and to not speak to anyone, only the teachers. Same old things.

"Isabella, today some people are visiting your school from a neighboring pack. Don't you even dare look there way or so help me I will beat you to a bloody pulp. Understand?" My father says as he grips my arm tightly.

"Yes Alpha, I understand." I say as the grip in my arm falls.

"You better be back at this house at 5:30pm and have dinner ready by 7:00pm, guest are coming over." my dad says and then let's me leave the house.

School starts around 9:00am so I try to catch the bus at 8:25am. As I said try. The bus plays with my emotions.

Thinking the bus driver will let me on, he opens the door and as I begin to walk on he closes it in my face almost hitting me. Then he takes off down the road.

I guess I'll be waking because this usually happens everyday. I don't want to walk because my feet hurt from all previous injuries.

At school I receive dirty glares from everyone. Even my brothers and sisters. They hate me with a passion that I won't even begin the describe. Its just horrible. They all believe I killed my grandmother, but how could I have possible done that? Exactly. I don't know.

I make my way to my locker only to be slammed into it by Zach, the biggest bully in my whole school. He is always the worst.

He cuts me with silver knives and pours hot candle wax on me in front of my parents. It's just terrible because he's my brothers friend. Makes my life a living hell.

"Hey Bella, what are you doing?" He ask knowing I can't say a thing to him. But it doesn't really matter. He'll beat me for not answering him,tell my dad that I didn't respond even though my dad said "not to speak to anyone" and my dad would beat me. Regular day for me.

"See. Cat got your tongue?" He ask with that signature smirk on his face.

I didn't even attempt to answer him already knowing the outcome. He takes me to the front of the school and throws me on the ground. Zach calls all 12 of his best friends over including 4 of m brothers.

"And now the pain begins!" Zach yells as they begin kicking, punching, spitting, and calling me dirty names. Normal day for me. I've learned to just feel numb. Of course I feel the pain from the physical abuse, but emotionally l became numb.

And to think my brothers would try to stop it. They don't. Not even my sisters. They laugh as they keep hitting me and calling me pathetic. Saying I'll never amount to anything. And well me, I'm starting to actually believe it.

After about 20 minutes of constantly being beat, they stop. They all head inside the school going to there locker. Im guessing it's 8:45am.

As soon as everyone is inside of the building, I limp my way to the bathroom.

As I step in and lock the door, I see my face. Its extremely horrible. My left eye is swollen shut and my lip is busted. My right cheek is purple and my left one is black. My arms have finger prints all over them and me legs are sore for some reason. They must have kicked me pretty hard.

I really can't do anything about it though. It's not like anyone cares about me, so I make my way to first period.

As I walk in the teacher looks at me. I see multiple emotions in his eyes. Guilt, pity, and sorrow. But that is all masked with an emotion of disgust.

"Isabella, why are you late to me class?" Mr. Dawson ask already knowing to answer.

"I got the usual." I say motioning to myself. I can only reply to the teachers.

"We'll have a seat and don't let it happen again!" He yells. Like I can actually stop the beatings. I really can't do anything about it.

"Yes sir." I say as I take my sit that is in the middle if the class.

My whole body is aching but I can't do a thing about it. I just ignore the pain.

Then an intoxicated scent fills my nostrils. It smells of strawberries and vanilla with a whiff of cologne.

Next thing I know, a handsome dude that is around 7'0 walks in the class and stares at me. He has black hair and chocolate brown eyes. He has on a black tight shirt and black jeans with black shoes and a leather jacket. He's incredibly sexy.

He lets out a loud growl and says 'MINE!'

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