Bad Decisions

24 4 7

Pain throbbed in my head as I struggled to open my eyes against the glaring light, blinded momentarily. The pillow softer than usual, lulling me back to sleep to rid myself of the hangover and a familiar scent soothing the aches. I smiled and pulled the covers closer, soaking in the aroma.

Images of the night before flashed erratically before me, the grinding, the kissing, the dull ache of need. Shit. Had I really offered myself up on a plate for the first strangers I'd met? The feeling of being wanted not just by one but two people kindled the fire once again, the heat rising and my body needing the release it craved.

Slowly roaming towards the lace underwear, I pushed it to the side and slowly circled the sweet spot which had brought endless hours of joy. Groaning against the silk pillowcase, confusion washed over me and opened my eyes to black silk sheets. I didn't own any silk.

"Please, don't stop on my account." A voice growled beside me, but couldn't place where I'd heard it...


How in the hell had I ended up here? My brain was foggy as I tried to piece together the end of the night. I nearly fell, a handsome stranger had helped and whisked me away in his fancy car. Not a stranger, Mr Blakewell, my potential new boss. Or not, I thought since my drunken antics ruined any chance I had at a decent job. Well, there was no point being modest now.

"Where's my dress?" I said bluntly. No need for niceties either.

"Is that any way to thank the guy who saved you from cracking your head open and got you home safely?" His tone was rough but there was underlying amusement in his voice.

"This isn't my apartment and I think you'll find I was doing perfectly fine before you waltzed in. You spoiled my night." I sat up slowly in the bed—his bed—my eyes scanning the dim room. Dark oak sideboards pushed up against deep green walls, the long columns of the four-poster bed etched with intricate designs I couldn't quite make out in my barely alive state. Finally landing on him, slunk back into a large, cushioned chair, leaning against the arm with a hand to his face, as if he was trying to work out a difficult riddle.

"Oh, I gathered your idea of a good night." He smirked.

"W-what? You were watching me?" My face turned red and flushed with anger.

"You weren't exactly hiding yourself in that pretty green dress."

"Speaking of which, where is my dress?! And why am I even here? Wherever here is."

"Before you get your panties in a twist, I brought you here, my apartment by the way, because you passed out blind drunk in my car and wouldn't, no couldn't answer any of my questions about where you lived and when I finally got you back here you decided to strip off naked and demand I sleep with you. Don't worry, I fought off your advances like a perfect gentleman." He laughed at his last remark, what a difference between the anxious, clumsy girl who had sat in his office less than 24 hours ago.

I stared at him for a moment pondering my next move but before I could speak, he was striding across the room, bag in hand. "Here's some clean clothes, I figured you didn't want to make the walk of shame in that little number."

His eyes lowered to the floor beside the bed where the evil dress that had betrayed me lay crumpled up. "The showers just through there, I'll take you home when you're ready, unless you'd like me to take you up on your offer? You did seem awfully keen a minute ago."

He leaned in closer with a seductive smile before I used what little strength I had left to bat him away. "Not in a million years!"

Another playful laugh as he turned to leave the room, but I waited until I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore before sliding out of the bed. What an idiot! How could I be so stupid? I swore off drinking for the rest of my life, okay maybe month, and what is with that guy?!

Watching me dancing in the club, driving me back to his place, offering sex, who did he think he was? My mind drifted from the point for a second, he wanted to have sex with me. Me. He could have the pick of anyone in his crazily perfect office, but he wanted me.

Unless he did have his pick of the office, yes that must be it, he'd slept with everyone there and now I was the shiny new toy. God, I hated my drunken self, the treacherous she-devil.

Thirty minutes and the world's quickest shower later, I braved opening the bedroom door in search of a quick exit. Maybe if I was quiet enough, I could sneak out without him noticing. I scanned the room, spotting what looked like the entryway before darting out of my hiding place silently. I'd barely made it ten feet before hearing a low chuckle from behind.

"Sneaking out, are we?" God, I'd love to wipe away his smug grin.

"Places to be, people to see and all that."

"I don't suppose you've given any thought to my offer?" What offer? To sleep with him? I felt the anger rising once again as I readied to pop his inflated ego.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but I will absolutely not be one of the long list of women to sleep with you. I'm sure you have plenty to keep you occupied at that little office of yours." I could've sworn hurt flashed across his face but as quickly as it had arrived it was gone, replaced with bemusement.

"While I'm glad to hear how much my sexual encounters interest you, I was talking about the job. But please, do go on about my endless list of women, I'd much rather hear about that."

Foot meet mouth. I couldn't possibly have dug a bigger hole if I'd tried, and I couldn't understand why Max found it entertaining to hear my ridiculous ranting. Surely, he should be throwing the crazy woman out of his apartment by now, or even call the police for the harassment last night. I shook my head and covered my eyes in shame.

"I'm so sorry, me and alcohol don't really mix well and obviously the hangover from hell, waking up in a strangers bedroom naked, I'm a little on edge. Don't worry about the job, I think I'd have to throw myself out of your lovely high window to escape the embarrassment and I wouldn't want to tarnish such a beautiful view. I'll be off now, please don't contact me again or I'll die from shame."

I ran out of the apartment before he could say another word and walked two blocks just to be sure he wouldn't see the impending meltdown. I was right, this was definitely one for the books.

Curled up in my favourite chair, laptop on my knee and tea in hand, I'd spent hours searching for any other options before my fate was sealed.

Rubbing my eyes in defeat, the sun had already set outside the window and as I sat in near darkness as the computer chimed. Not out of the ordinary with the thousands of junk emails my inbox hoarded, I clicked dismissively.


Suddenly intrigued, I wondered what could demand my immediate attention at this time of night.

Miss Adams,

I assume you made it home safe without attracting anymore trouble, though I can't be sure with your choice of company and... willingness.

I could feel the smugness drip from his words. What an arsehole! I continued to read as I felt the rage grow within.

Since you didn't want to listen to my opinion earlier and you've clearly formed your own about my sexual escapades, I had to risk your window jumping attempts to apologise if I made you feel uncomfortable—it wasn't my intent.

From what I've read of the resume that I had to rescue from the gutter, you have more than enough experience with glowing recommendations from all your previous work. After a less than ideal interview, I wanted to invite you to 'test the waters' as it were, 8am Monday if you're interested.

Don't be late.


My temper dissipated slightly, an annoying arsehole with an apology. I closed the laptop, setting it on the already cluttered coffee table, and dragged myself to bed. Shielding from my problems with the duvet, my mind drifted back to his words. Test the waters, pfft as if. I did need the money though...

"Ugh." I kicked my legs dramatically before rolling over begging for just one dream free night to sort through my thoughts.

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