A Compromising Position

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We spent hours just talking, smoking and drinking away our problems. It felt like a weight had lifted from my shoulders, finally able to get everything out in the open. That was until a loud bang rattled the door and even Cole flinched.

"He doesn't know I came." The whisper he'd attempted came out much louder than he'd expected, and I stifled a laugh.

"You answer it, he's your friend." He didn't look happy, but he dragged his feet to the door and was almost pushed out of the way as Max looked around angrily.

"What the hell is going on here?" His eyes darted from the alcohol to where I was perched on the windowsill. "Well?! There's empty bottles everywhere and it stinks of weed in here."

Nobody moved, as if sharing a single brain cell and not moving made us invisible. I took notes for later, tequila and smoking, not a good mix. I caught Cole's startled face out of the corner of my eye and we both broke out in hysterics. This was not a laughing matter which only made the whole situation funnier.

The laughter fuelled Max's anger, a simmering boil now overflowing. "Am I missing the joke here?" His eyes glowered and Cole stifled his amusement, he clearly knew better than me who was oblivious to the issue.

"What? We're just bonding - did you know Cole was almost married once?" Giggling ensued and Max turned his attention to his soon to be ex-best friend.

"I'd say I expect more of you but we both know I don't. Clean up your mess and get out." Cole straightened up, his face apologetic and he bowed slightly. Oh hell no, I wasn't about to let this arrogant, gorgeous man ruin our night.

"This is my apartment and I'll have you know Cole is a perfect gentleman, unlike some people." Pointing my finger towards his hard, muscled chest, imagining the sight below his slightly open shirt. He was more unkept than I remembered, stress swimming in the small creases of his forehead.

"And we were just about to leave anyway. Come on, we have plans." I grabbed Cole's hand and pulled him past Max, noticing his jaw tighten as I went but I wouldn't let him deter me. If he wanted to hide things from me then I would push whatever buttons I hoped I could control. I heard his footsteps follow us through the apartment, readying myself for an argument.

"Forgetting something?" He held my bag up, eyebrow quirked. That beautiful arsehole. I strode towards him and went to grab it as he lifted it out of reach. Annoyed, I crossed my arms and stared him down.

"We're going to be late, give me my bag."

"What was he doing here in first place? You'll have him around but not me?" Now I really looked, he wasn't just angry, he was upset. Jealous perhaps. And completely worried I would never speak to him again, at least not in the way I did.

"I came to apologise." Cole held his hands up and I thanked god for his quick thinking distracting me from guilt, give the man a raise. "I said I was lonely, and she felt sorry for me." He was too good.

"See? Now give me my bag, we have another bottle of tequila waiting with our name on it." I bit my lip trying to hold back the giggle. Max's jaw tensed again, and his eyes swept over me, giving the same look we'd exchanged at dinner. Focus.

"Say please." He purred. Letting him get the upper hand was not an option, not when I was still furious with him for lying to me. I leaned in closer, hands against his chest as I struggled on my tip toes. His breathing quickened and his arm lowered, wanting to touch so badly it ached. I pushed my body closer as he closed his eyes and groaned into me, feeling his slightly growing erection.

Noticing his lapse of judgement, I grabbed the purse and strode away swiftly, not giving him chance to reassert himself. I knew I didn't have enough resolve to stop what I'd started.

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