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"Cole?! What happened to you? How did you get here?" I stroked back his hair and from the corner of my eye saw Sam's body tense. His fingers strummed against the table impatiently.

"He- he was angry because I questioned him about you, how you looked last night. He said he was going to propose but I knew something was wrong. He wouldn't let me see you, to make sure you were okay. He said you didn't want to see me..." His eyes filled with tears. Our friendship may have been brief, but we knew more about each other than I'd ever told anyone besides Sam, and he cared enough to listen to my drunk rambling. It felt as if we were soul mates, not in a romantic sense but connected in a way I couldn't explain.

"It's okay, I'm safe now. We both are. Did he do this to you?" I could see his battered face clearly now, bruises covered most of it, small cuts littered his face and his nose was crusted with dried blood. He still looked beautiful despite it all.

He nodded and hung his head. "Who's gonna love me with a face like this now?" He chuckled shamelessly and I let out a ghost of a laugh.

The others looked aghast; I could see the headlines now—Boss's whore sleeps with the enemy's best friend. It only made me laugh harder.

"Don't be daft, I'll still love you when you're old and wrinkled and your ball sack hangs lower than humanly possible." He leant into me, shaking with a mix between laughter and sobs. I wrapped my arms around him and Sam looked as if he was about to lose it. Shit, I'd said I loved him in a roundabout way, and it didn't seem to bode well, or was it the mention of balls that did it.

"I'm failing to see what's funny about all this. He could be lying to get information out of us for all we know. If he can get here so can all his fucking friends." The arrogant one spoke this time, I really needed to learn how to throw a punch because there were so many people who deserved it. I wondered when I started to resort to senseless violence...

Cole stuttered in panic, "He already knows of this place, he's the one who told me where it was. If I was on his side, why would I come here to warn you?"

"Lock him up while I decide what to do with him. And inform Aamon to pack up, we leave first thing tomorrow." Sam got to his feet as if he hadn't just punched me in the gut with his command.

"He doesn't need to be locked up." I steeled myself, holding a protective arm over Cole. By the look on his face, it didn't seem like Sam was giving up on this one, but I held my head high anyway. "He's my friend, I know he isn't lying." Hoping it would soften him enough to think rationally.

"You're more than welcome to share a cell with him if you're so in love." I spluttered as he sauntered out of the room unwilling to hear my explanation.

"Fine! I'll do that!" I yelled. The men grabbed at Cole's arms aggressively and he flinched again. "Don't touch him! We're more than capable of walking." I ducked under his arm and tried to share the burden of holding his weight up down the creepy hallway.

"You owe me big time you know."

He snorted. "I'm not the one who brought up my grandad balls."

I groaned and hid my face shamefully. "Why did I do it? I could've gotten you a nice cushy bed if I hadn't opened my mouth."

"You wouldn't be you if you didn't insult every man in the room." He winked and I prodded him gently, unable to help the smile creeping along my lips.

We stopped outside on actual cell, just a single mattress, chair, sink and toilet. I wasn't sure what I'd expected but it was definitely not this. What kind of man was Sam if he had the need for a room like this.

"There's still time to change your mind, princess. I'm sure you can be quite persuasive when you try."

"I could but then he'd win. And that's not going to happen in my lifetime." We were pushed inside roughly and the gate slammed closed. "You'd think they'd be nicer since they don't have anything else going for them." The guard snarled before stalking away.

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