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The moon was shining bright in the sky as we pulled up outside my apartment, it saddened me to leave the bike behind. I wanted to keep going, keep running from my problems for as long as possible. Sam seemed to notice the solemn mood as we climbed the stairs, my feet heavier with each step I took.

"Thank you for the ride." I said, turning the key in the lock, the shabby room greeting me as I pushed opened the door. I expected him to leave but he stood in the doorway expectantly. "Do you want a drink before you go?"

He didn't answer as he took in the cluttered apartment, it wasn't as bad as usual thankfully. I rummaged through the cupboard in search of a glass and then the almost empty fridge as I wondered what to offer him.

"I've got week old milk, half a bottle of wine or water." Still no answer. Who did he think he was barging into my home and being rude enough to ignore me? I'd give him a piece of my mind.

He was gone. The door was still open and the room empty, as if he'd never been there at all. Good riddance, I thought filling up the glass with the remaining wine and closing the door.

I pulled out the book I'd stuffed into my bag and covered myself with a throw. The Powers of the World and Beyond. I scanned over the chapters before coming to the one I'd spotted earlier, Pairing Bonds. I hoped to find something to help decode this weird affliction I seemed to have with Sam, maybe even a cure.

I was deep into the chapter when the stark realisation hit me. The book spoke of true love and connected minds and bodies, I didn't quite understand why it happened, but it said it only happened when a pair were destined by the stars, love at first sight by the sound of it.

That hadn't happened to me though, I knew him long before I'd ever seen his face in real life. I trawled through the pages, but nothing explained how I'd called out for him, bringing the bond into existence without the need of any ceremony or actions. Some things fit, like feeling his emotions and the sense of floating when he was around. But it only left me more confused.

I frowned at the now empty glass, throwing the book on the sofa in frustration, I headed to the kitchen for a refill. As I made my way back to the sofa, I heard footsteps outside the apartment then a loud knock. I froze in fear, I should've realised Max would come looking for me.

I snuck over to the door and looked through the peep hole. It was Sam. Relief flooded through me. He hadn't left anything behind though, it'd been half an hour since he'd gone, what could he possibly want?

I cracked the door open and it revealed the most glorious sight. "You brought food?!" I squealed in delight, opening the door wider to let him in.

"Aren't you easy to please." I'd let that one slide since he'd returned with sustenance. I pulled out a couple of plates with cutlery and an extra glass and placed them on the coffee table as he unpacked. Chinese takeaway, my favourite.

"You remembered what food I like?" I looked at him with a fondness I didn't know I had in me, all over food. I really needed to get a grip on my sanity.

"How could I forget when you talked about it so often." He sounded exasperated but I could feel his heart warming, proud he'd done well. We ate in silence, my stomach full and happy as I leant back into the sofa.

"Mmm, you'd make someone very happy if you weren't so cold and distant." My eyes closed as I sighed and let the contentment wash over, if only every day could be like this. "Why are you single anyway? You had all the girls talking at the ball." The wine was taking effect as my words had a mind of their own. I wanted to know though, needed to.

"How could I have any kind of relationship when you were banging down my mental door most nights?" He'd meant it as a joke but it didn't stop the guilt. I'd never even asked him how he felt about it all, when I thought I'd dreamt him up it only made sense he was along for the ride. Now it was different, he'd said I'd called out to him, dragged him through my trauma, my needs, my make-believe happy ending.

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