A Mask Of Lies

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"What are you doing here?" His voice was shaky and low, trying to avoid the watchful eyes. But before I could answer, Samael appeared beside him with a devious smile.

"Aren't you going to introduce us, Max?"

His hand brushed against mine in reassurance. "Miss Adams, this is Sam Riven. He's just taken over a similar company and we're hoping to work together in future."

Sam pulled on my hand tentatively, bowing slightly, and planted a soft, lingering kiss without breaking eye contact. "I believe we've already met." The corners of his mouth twitched as a vein protruding from Max's temple, threatening to burst with rage.

My eyes darted between the two, watching the silent conversation play out before them. "Nice to meet you." I tried to be polite, but I could already feel a stress headache coming on. Music broke out across the hall as the tables were removed and dancing ensued.

"May I have this dance, Miss Adams?" Sam's hand still held mine and it didn't feel like a question as he tugged me into the building throng of dancers. I looked back at Max and gave him a reassuring smile, but his face was hardened and angry. He'd have some choice words later, I was sure.

The stares and whispers followed us with wide eyes as he took my hand firmly and slid an arm around my waist, heat flushed all over with the proximity. The music was slower than I was used to and I struggled to find the rhythm.

"Stop fretting and follow my lead." His voice low but commanding and my body stood to attention. "They're wondering why such an alluring beauty would choose to dance with the evil overlord." He chuckled dryly as I watched the crowd avoid his gaze. I shook my head in disagreement.

"I think it's more along the lines of why the frighteningly handsome boss is dancing with an elephant with two left feet."

He frowned, his grip tightening as he leaned in closer, whispering so only I could hear. "I'm going to have to do something about that attitude of yours." My eyes widened and I fumbled a step, accidentally treading on his foot. He moved gracefully across the dance floor, correcting my mistakes and directing my hips.

"You need to relax before I lose a foot."

"I can't relax when so many people are judging my every move." I said through gritted teeth, stiffening my back.

He sighed before skilfully twirling me, catching at the waist and bending low in one fell swoop. Gasps erupted from the crowd as the other dancers paused to watch the unfolding scene.

"We might as well give them something interesting to talk about." He lifted me smoothly and the others eventually continued their dance with us. Slowly I relaxed my limbs and allowed the music to flow through. I thought I might actually enjoy myself if it wasn't for the million questions racing through my mind.

"How is this happening?" I questioned him, studying for the slightest reaction. "I thought you were just someone I'd made up in my head."

He moved a stray hair from my face before answering. "You didn't will me into existence if that's what you mean, I mean, not really." Good, so I wasn't completely crazy but still not completely sure what he meant.

"I don't fully understand it myself, but I felt you calling me in my sleep for months before the bond was finally strong enough to make you appear." I'd called for him? What bond?

I searched my mind for when the dreams had begun, before I'd managed to escape home the years were filled with dread and longing for more. I was fourteen when the nightmares had started, shortly after my parents had promised me to one of the leaders in their community.

The thirty-seven-year-old man was a total creep with all the girls who lived there, but he had power and my family wanted to use it to their advantage. Their grip was slipping and they needed to ensure they stayed on top, Owen would solidify their position. We would be wed when I turned sixteen, without my consent, and it plagued my sleep every night, searching for an escape.

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