The Cabin

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When I awoke, he was gone. Still angry, I thought but I was grateful he put aside our differences to comfort me, maybe we could still be friends after all this was over.

The sun was barely rising outside the window, too early to be awake but I could hear the rumblings of a tense conversation in another room. I strained to listen, but it was too far away. Stumbling through the unknown surroundings towards the door, I cracked it open to hear better.

"We should just get rid of him now while she's asleep, say he refused to come, and she won't even know." An unfamiliar man's voice grated on me. I assumed they were talking about Cole and went to storm into the room as someone else spoke.

"No one touches him. Go and find something useful to do, Mason." He sounded irritated and I wanted to show him I appreciated the protection for Cole even when he had his doubts.

"Aera!" Cole perked up as I entered the room, relieved that I came to save him from the morbid talk. Instead, I took the seat next to Sam, extending a figurative white flag and Cole eyed me with a wicked grin before busying himself with the interesting roof. The man I assumed was Mason stormed out of the room and I noticed Aamon was perched in an armchair in the corner. I gave him a weak smile and he returned the sentiment. Just one more bridge to repair.

"Where are we?" I asked Sam curiously. He glanced at me, his face still deep in thought.

"My home." Short answers were never a good sign. That's okay, I could break him down.

"Is there any food here? I'm starving."

"The kitchen is down the hall to the left." The cold shoulder. I caught Cole's eyes and bobbed my head for him to follow.

We both breathed out heavily as he closed the kitchen door behind us. "What was that about?!"

"Shhh, they can hear you." I hissed. "He's still mad at me."

He gave a knowing smile. "He was in your room for hours. Don't tell me he didn't fuck you senseless."

I slapped his arm and he winced, his injuries already seemed much improved but still healing. "No! I asked him to stay and we kind of awkwardly cuddled and then I woke up alone."

His eyes were downcast, no juicy gossip here. "I'm sure he'll come around soon. What about the driver, Aaron is it? He's dreamy." I scoffed and made my way to the fridge, stomach begging for sustenance.

"His name is Aamon and he's off the menu, kind of." I frowned thinking back to poor Gwen, I hoped she was safe through all this.

He sighed and leaned against the counter. "Kind of serious or kind of fucking?" I pulled out all the ingredients for a grovelling breakfast and got to work.

"I'm not sure, she was vague with the details. They're not exactly big on gossiping. But she really likes him."

He groaned. "All the best ones are taken. What about Mason, what's his story?"

I fried the sausages careful not to burn myself like many times previously. "No idea, I've never seen him before. Sam doesn't seem too fond of him either. Plus, he very clearly wanted you dead ten seconds ago." Next the bacon, it spat as it hit the hot pan.

"How could you possibly know from ten seconds of eavesdropping? Anyway, I like a challenge and he definitely seems to be holding back some frustrated emotions." He winked and made me chuckle.

"I just know, I don't think he likes being this big almighty leader too much. He's so different when we're alone. I can't tell which is a lie anymore." My voice was sad and Cole forced a smile.

"I think you do but you're scared. It's hard loving someone and not knowing how they feel." There was story behind those wistful eyes.

"Could you shout it any louder? And I told you I don't love him. I just want to go back to being friends again." I added the mushrooms, not everyone's favourite but I loved them so tough luck for anyone else.

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