The Great Escape

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The car ride was longer than expected, we didn't head back into the city like I'd assumed, instead it was further out into the countryside, and I wasn't well travelled enough to know where exactly, making things far more difficult.

The car turned down a large open driveway and almost a mile away a huge, stately home. It was a playground for the elite, everything perfectly curated and not a hair out of place. A simple rectangular building but nothing about the exterior was simple. The archways were all lit with a warm glow, the window frames white against the beige brick front. We rounded the enchanting marble fountain and queued behind another sleek black vehicle as the passengers exited.

Max squeezed my hand and I faked an eager smile. "Ready?"

I nodded, not trusting my voice to hold, the nerves were already getting to me. We stepped out onto a cream velvet carpet and he took my arm in his.

"Don't forget to smile, beautiful." The rancid little- Not the time. I need to focus. I plastered on a happy face, noting there were many men dressed similarly to Aamon loitering around the entrance as well as inside. He expected me to run, planned for it and the pit in my stomach grew with each step.

"Don't worry about them." He eyed the suited men. "They're here for your protection, I expect Sam will make an appearance tonight. He can't help himself from ruining anything good in my life."

A glimmer of light, I hoped he'd forgiven me for the harsh words weeks ago. I couldn't have another enemy in play when I was already outnumbered. There wasn't much faith since I'd worked out within days he'd broken the bond, I'd felt nothing from him for weeks. Whatever he'd done had taken a piece of me with him too.

I tried to remember the route we took, but every hallway looked the same and the stupid dress was cutting off oxygen to my brain. Finally, we entered a large ballroom with cavernous ceilings already filled with his guests who clapped as we walked in.

How embarrassing...

Max played his doting boyfriend character perfectly, introducing me to everyone as he nuzzled my neck and playfully tapped my nose, as if I was his plaything to parade around. Keeping up the pretence was exhausting but he plied me with champagne in an attempt to keep me docile.

Tears filled my eyes as I spotted my beautiful best friend, dressed in a deep blue gown talking the ear off Cole. Sweet Cole. He would help if I asked, but how would I get him alone. As we approached the pair, I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder, a silent warning in his eyes. I blinked back the emotion and mustered up a smile as they greeted us with open arms.

"Aera! Oh my gosh, I've missed you so much. I can't believe you disappeared on me, although I don't blame you." She pulled back and eyed Max with a flirtatious smile. She could have him for all I cared.

They chatted back and forth as Cole's strong arms wrapped around me tightly and whispered, "Hey princess, you doing okay?" His face was full of concern, and I nodded reassuringly. I didn't want to break down in front of all these people, let alone Max's best friend. I still wasn't sure where his loyalties lay even if we'd become close. A few weeks of friendship couldn't erase years of history.

They made small talk for a while before Max steered me away to greet more snobbish guests. I hoped Kate and Cole would understand why I had to leave and didn't hate me for it. Once we'd made our way around the room, he left with a kiss to ready his big announcement. I kept to the back of the crowded room, trying to avoid the stares and whispers as I scanned for an exit. I was so focused on escaping, I didn't hear the approaching footsteps.

"So, you went back to him then?" It was so good to hear his voice again. My stomach did loops and I didn't know whether to apologise or cry, maybe both.

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