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As the taxi pulled up to the venue our mouths were wide with shock. A stunningly decorated three storey building the length of a football field teeming with people talking at the entrance and climbing out of regal looking cars.

"Aaah! It looks amazing! I heard the new boss liked splashing out on events, but this is out of this world." The theme seemed dark and sexy, red roses in huge marble vases leading up the marble stairs and into the building. Kate was perfectly coordinated with the red and gold carpet stretching the whole walkway from the car.

"Put your mask on quickly!" Kate ushered me out of the car as her body practically shook with excitement. She was going to be hard to contain tonight. As we walked up the carpet, I felt dozens of eyes staring, hoping it was for Kate, I held back the urge to shrink away and followed her on. Stay calm, no one's watching you.

We followed the flow of people down a massive hallway, the walls covered in expensive art and uncomfortable looking benches. This is where I would hide when I needed to take a break in roughly fifteen minutes. Escape plan mapped out, I let myself relax as we entered the expansive hall, filled with carefully placed tables and chairs with space in front of the stage for a dance floor. The table covers were red with golden laced edges, and deep red flowers perched on every table.

A podium was set up on the stage with four chairs slightly behind. Kate briefly explained how her company had been taken over by some wealthy mogul and saved them from being liquidated and now they were making new relationships with an equally large company hoping to join forces. She explained in great detail how hot the new boss was and especially how eager she was to see him tonight. I wondered if her very recent break up had anything to do with it but knew better than to bring it up.

Everyone took their seats at the tables as champagne was served and the first speaker rose to the podium. She was a gorgeous woman, short blonde hair cut into a bob, in a royal blue off the shoulder gown. She spoke and moved so gracefully, I wasn't sure what was being said but was enthralled, nonetheless.

At the end she announced the next speaker who was here on behalf of both companies. Kate's shoulders sagged a little, disappointed she wouldn't get to see him. "At least his friend is hot too. We should go say hello when they're done with this boring crap." Kate whispered, the gleam returning in her eyes.

I rolled my eyes with a smile; some things would never change. I checked my phone on the off-chance miracles occur, but no new notifications appeared. No, I needed to just forget about him, that's what he wanted so that's what I'd do. Nothing had really happened, so I had nothing to feel disappointed about.

The whole room broke out in applause, breaking out of the daydream I looked up to see what everyone was so happy about. A familiar face grinned down towards the audience, waving away the cheers.

"Now we've gotten the formalities out the way, let's make the most of the open bar!" More cheers as people got their feet, swept up in the excitement. I tried to work out why Cole would be here, but Kate was already pulling me towards the stage.

"Kate, stop. Let's leave him be, there's already a crowd around him!" But my words were ignored as Kate dragged me through the sea of people congratulating him on a speech well done.

"Hi! I don't know if you know me, Kate Harrow, lead publicist. We just wanted to congratulate Mr Riven and Mr Blakewell but seeing as he couldn't make it, you'll be a fine replacement." She gave her most flirtatious smile and ran her fingers down his arm. Was Max here too? No, Cole was making his speech, so he had to be elsewhere.

I took it as my cue to leave without being noticed as Cole was taken in by Kate's beauty and up-front personality. I headed towards the bar, on alert in case of any other familiar faces. Cocktail in hand, I spotted the open doors leading outside to a balcony and freedom.

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