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The next time my gender changed was the morning of the interview.

Not stressful at all, no.

Felix must have sensed that I was somewhat panicking because they stood on my doorstep fifteen minutes after I called them.

'Hey beauty'

They grinned, kissed my cheek and pulled me into a tight hug.

Inside, they took off their pink fur coat, because of course they were wearing a pink fur coat.

'How are you?' I asked while Felix made themselves comfortable on my couch.

I dropped down next to them.

They gave me a fine smile.

'I'm okay' - there was a beat of silence - 'I mean, I think I'm fine, but now and then everything gets too much and I break down sobbing.' They shrugged. 'Last night I cried myself to sleep'

I nudged their shoulder with mine. 'When that happens the next time, call me, okay? So we can cry together?'

They smiled. I felt like something passed between the two of us.

'So, now on to the real topic' Felix grinned. 'You identify as woman right now?'

I nodded. 'I woke up like that'

'Okay', they checked the time on their phone, 'that gives us about three and a half hours until we have to be at the interview. More than enough time to get you ready. And me too, because I'm literally wearing my pajamas'

They were wearing something like a nightgown that no sane person would describe as pajamas. If they'd have told me that this was their outfit for today, I wouldn't have questioned it.

I shook my head. 'I don't have any clothes here for either of us'

'Don't worry. I already took care of that', they said ominously.

I waited a few seconds for them to elaborate and when they didn't, I moved on.

'What when my gender changes back before the interview? And I'm all... feminine?'

'Darling, believe me, as long as you know the tricks, taking off make up and wigs and fake lashes is a matter of five minutes. That shouldn't be a problem. I'm here for help'

They grinned. I stared at them.

'Fake lashes - wigs? What wigs, Felix?'

Instead of answering they jumped up and pulled me onto my feet as well.

'You wanna shave?'


Felix demonstratively tapped on their cheeks.

I irritatedly touched my own. 'I just shaved yesterday', I mumbled.

They shrugged. 'Shaving always gives me a great deal of gender euphoria, maybe it works for you too. And the smoother your skin is, the better make up will look'

'Three hours, Felix, remember?'
I was still hesitant, though I let them drag me to the bathroom.

Shaving together was a weird experience, but back when we shared a dorm, it was usual morning routine.

Felix was right, though, the smoothness of my freshly shaved skin sent a satisfied shudder through my core.

'What now?', I asked them. 'Are we gonna ransack Jihye's make up storage?'

Felix checked their watch.

'Oh no, sweetheart. I have a far better plan. Are you okay with leaving the house to get ready somewhere else?'

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