Chapter Nine: Love or Host (Part 2)

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Round Two: One-on-One, Two People Elimination

Since we were already running a little late, the second round would be a two person elimination. Everyone would get one-on-one time with Dream, and he'd get to choose this time instead of a points system.

I ended up being the first person chosen to have time with Dream; that was oddly flattering in a way. Clay and me already knew most of the things about each other, so we caught up and joked around.

The time I had to wait for the others made me restless. What were they talking about? He expressed fondness toward me, but perhaps they would change his mind? I truthfully had nothing to be anxious about though.

A bit later everyone joined the same Discord call again, and Schlatt announced, "The two people leaving round two of love or horse are... "Nikki and Minx!" The two hurriedly said their goodbyes and left. Minx made sense, but Nikki? Something about that made me feel more confident about winning.

Round Three: Minecraft Speedrun

"I need somebody who can play Minecraft," Dream explained. "So Jessa and Y/n, you're going to try and speedrun the game. You guys will get the same seed and some basic supplies to again, speed this up. Iron armor full set, diamond sword, axe, and pickaxe. You'll still need to gather blaze rods and ender pearls, as well as maybe beds. Good luck!"

This challenge would definitely be a winning one for me. I'd been practicing my speedrun skills before we left for Paradise Island, and I'd gotten quite good. Jess on the other hand had likely never played a day of Minecraft. Instinctively I got some wood just in case, and headed towards a ruined nether portal. I opened up the chest and luckily there was a flint and steel inside. I was still in the discord call, and could hear Jessa typing "How to speedrun Minecraft." I was already in the Nether when she started moving. Still with little time to spare, I found a nearby bastion. They had clearly picked a good seed for this. I looted the place while Jess found the Nether Fortress. I got twenty ender pearls from a stroke of good luck and finding gold blocks to trade with piglins. I parkoured my way to the fortress, Jess was out of the Nether but she had no pearls. It took me a while to kill the blazes, but I got ten rods. Back in the overworld it was night and Jess died to a skeleton.

The rest was easygoing, finding the stronghold, hopping through the portal, and finally slaying the dragon with some beds I collected along the way and my axe. Jess still hadn't gotten halfway to the portal.

"Y/n congratulations, you won!" The livestream began to send "POG'S" in the chat, and it was official. I'd won the date with Dream.

"What are we going to do on the date?" I asked Clay.

He chuckled, "Number one you fly out to me." I squealed with excitement, the United States?!? Dream continued, "Number two I'm taking you out to a restaurant. And three, we are going to do a random skit because we both need to content-farm while we're there."

"Sounds good to me!"


543 Sorry this was so rushed! Its been 6 days since I've posted a chapter because my teachers assigned a bunch of assignments for the end of the quarter and I had to study for tests. Longer chapter soon! <3

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