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Part 2

- It was normal in the Palace of Agrabah. Suitors were entering and leaving after many attempts to get close to the princess. Jafar rolled his eyes every so often from hearing the sultan.

He was walking out of the room he was in minutes ago after leading another suitor for the princess.

Iago: This whole suitor thing is becoming pointless Jafar.

Jafar: Tell me about it, Iago...

Both Jafar and his parrot complained. However, after they thought they could have some peace they heard yelling, well somewhat yelling, in the other room.

???: Can't you do anything right!? You can't keep running off!? You're going to get us killed you insolent brat!

Shocked by the rudeness, Jafar wanted to leave but decided to intervene.

Jafar: Is something the matter here ma'am?

The one yelling stopped and looked to the side seeing Jafar enter with Iago on his shoulder. She quickly composed herself and grabbed her child's arm roughly making her wince in pain.

Woman: I apologize sir. My daughter here was causing trouble.

Jafar kept his natural look and shifted his eyes to the girl who was looking down. He saw a few bruises on her arm showing she was getting mistreated.

Jafar: What kind of trouble? What kind did your daughter do to the point of calling her an insolent brat?

The woman looked up in shock before looking at her daughter in hatred. The woman was about to respond when Jafar beat her to it.

Jafar: Ignore that. What are you doing here in the palace?

Woman: My son is here. He was chosen to be a suitor for the if and—

Jafar: I heard enough.

Looking back at the child he knew he couldn't leave her with the wretched woman. He may not enjoy children but he knew that he couldn't leave them alone knowing something bad could happen.

Jafar: This may sound very absurd but, how much is your daughter?

This shocked the woman but she looked at her daughter who gave no reaction before grinning.

Woman: 10000 shekel.

Jafar: Deal.

With the quick payment, the girl was given to Jafar. Although, the time couldn't be better as the suitor left the room in anger. The woman ran over to her son leaving the girl alone with Jafar.

However, he realized he never got the name and saw she didn't move from the spot as she easily obeyed the woman to go to the man.

Jafar: Guess your mine now huh...



- Out in the plains were two men. One was holding a gun in the sky while the other was moving to catch the falling ducks or geese that have been shot down.

Gaston: How many are there now LeFou?

Lefou: 18 so far! You have an amazing aim, you're amazing Gaston!

The shorter man yelled to the man Gaston as this boosted his ego even higher.

Gaston: I surely am Lefou. Now let's go and prepare this so I can eat.
LeFou nodded in agreement but as they were about to leave they heard screaming and growling. Gaston looked to the side finding the voice that was yelling.

It was a small child running from a bear. A brown bear to exact. LeFou got scared and hid behind Gaston who was larger than him. Preparing his gun he steady his aim and focused his attention.

He then shot the bear as it growled even louder and fell on its side. The child kept running until it got close to Gaston and held its leg.

Glancing down he saw it was a young girl and saw she was crying immensely but her breathing was uneven.
He crouched down and patted her head to calm down.

Gaston: Don't worry now! I killed the bear, so no need to be afraid.

The girl looked up as she tried to stop crying. Gaston noticed but he didn't know what to do in this situation. He kept rubbing her head in hopes to calm her down to his surprise it did.

Gaston: Now why were you running kiddo?

???: I-I was just in t-the woods when I saw the bear...I poked it....and then I started to run...

The girl spoke as Gaston nodded but LeFou started to laugh because of the reason. Gaston bonked his head before telling him to shut it.

Gaston: Well don't worry I'm here. Where are your parents?

???: I don't a mommy or daddy...

Gaston frowned seeing she was on her own. Nodding, he gave LeFou his gun. He then waved to the girl over as she did and hoisted her up where now he was carrying her in one arm.

The girl yelped from the sudden action and held onto Gaston even tighter.

Gaston: What's your name girl?

???: I don't have one...I think...

Gaston frowned but put one on for the sake of the child.

Gaston: Well then...how about Y/N? And what do you say about coming home with me?

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