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{This will be mainly on Shan Yu}

Everyone was running. Bringing buckets of water to rugs and new sheets. Ever since the incident of Y/N walking, Nyx started to fall ill. Shan Yu knew she was sick but thought over time she conquered it.

She did. Her skin started to turn pale and her body temperature was dropping oddly quickly.

When Shan Yu called for a doctor, they did just as quickly. They entered but were hesitant to see many Huns standing with intimidating looks. But what caught their sight quickly was a young girl, being held by one of the men, who looked about 1 year old even though she was 10 months old.

She was calm but even they could tell she looked worried for her mother.

Hun #1: Hey! Don't look at the young princess! You're here to help our leader's wife!

One of the Hun called out, making the doctor flinch and nodded quickly. They were led to the hut where they saw Shan Yu holding Nyx's hand. She was breathing heavily by the second.

Doctor: I-I'm here...

Shan Yu turns his attention to the man as he narrows his eyes. The doctor was nervous due to the piercing golden eyes. But he looked away when Nyx spoke very softly.

Nyx: Shan Yu.....Y/N..

Shan Yu: Don't speak Nyx...conserve your energy...

Shan Yu spoke back quietly as he gripped his hand tightly with hers. The doctor was saddened by what they were seeing. They went to the other side of the woman.

They got rid of the wet rag that was on her head. They gently placed their hand on her forehead seeing how hot she was. They quickly got their materials and began to work.

They got rid of the blanket making Shan Yu stare as he saw what the doctor was doing. They were placing their fingers wherever necessary but were being respectful to certain places.

Doctor: Has this happened before?

They asked while preparing some herbal medicines.

Shan Yu: Once. When we first met..It wasn't this bad though. She said she has this disease that some doctors couldn't solve. But she survived.

Doctor: I see. So a miracle for her. And I'm guessing you both have a daughter?

Shan Yu glared at them making them shiver but held their composure. He slowly nodded as his daughter was like Nyx but the same beautiful eye color, to what Nyx says, as he.

Doctor: Then...there might be a chance that she brought it again mysteriously–

Shan Yu: Are you saying my daughter is at fault!! She is a beautiful creation of my wife and I!

Shan Yu yelled. He didn't believe that his own daughter would do this and wouldn't believe it to what anyone says. Even if Nyx says it herself.

Doctor: I'm not. I– All I am saying is that her fever won't come down and the disease is spreading even quicker I'm presuming. She might not be able to survive...

Shan Yu widens his eyes at the news. He looked at Nyx who was breathing heavily and slowly. Her skin was turning even paler by the second.

Shan Yu: I asked you to heal my wife...not to tell me this. I will not allow this and do your job!

The doctor flinched as they got to work even faster. Though they both stopped when they heard Y/N crying. The doctor continued to work, but then Y/N was wobbling quickly over to her parents.

Shan Yu got her as he tried to soothe her loud wails. This woke up Nyx who looked at both her husband and daughter. She mustered up her strength to sit up, making both startled.

Shan Yu: Nyx! Sit please!

Nyx ignored his words as she slowly reached for her daughter who was also aiming for her. Shan Yu wanted to keep the distance between the two girls but he couldn't help but see the look in his wife's eyes.

He let it be as he saw Nyx smiling as she held her daughter in her arms tightly. Though she started to cry making Y/N also cry more as she felt her mother's warmth go cold.

Y/N: Mama...mama...

Shan Yu just stared as he placed his hand on her shoulder calling out to her as well. The doctor stopped seeing Nyx's body go still and stiff.

Shan Yu: NYX! Wake up!

Doctor: Miss!!

Y/N started bawling even louder as she gripped onto her mother hoping she would wake up. She may be young but that doesn't mean she couldn't tell her mother was off from the moment she started to walk.

Shan Yu grabbed Y/N who didn't want to let go as the Hun Army rushed in the hut as well. They went to their queen's body as one of them grabbed Y/N who was crying non-stop.

They all saw she was smiling as tears stained her face. She looked so peaceful even in death.










Everyone was standing in front of a grave with a sword on top of the dirt. It had Nyx's coat that Shan Yu gave.

Shan Yu who was holding Y/N as she stared lifeless at her mother's grave. Everyone was quiet but tears all stained their gray pale-ish skin.

This was a day full of tears.

They lost a friend. A mother. And a queen.

They all kneeled to the ground giving their last prayers to the women before leaving. The only ones who stayed were Shan Yu and Y/N.

Shan Yu slowly walked to the grave and placed down the necklace, while Y/N placed her hand on the sword. She was young but she looked mature even this young.

Shan Yu: Watch over us Nyx....I love you...

Y/N: Bye, bye mama...I wuv you...

Shan Yu stared before grabbing Y/N and walked away leaving the place.

A Day Full of Tears and Sorrows indeed.

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