Chapter thirty four

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The sight of luggage in the rear of Sally's SUV as he pulled into the driveway of their Elk Grove home said it all - Ted's heart sank. Pulling level with her car he noticed the children sitting in the back seat engrossed in hand console games. When asked, they innocently confirmed the worse. 

"Where's your mom?" 

"Still inside - we don't want to go to Grandma's but she's making us," Lily protested. 

Sally emerged from the house with a small overnight bag and was startled by Ted's appearance. "You're home early?" She uttered with a mixture of embarrassment and shock. 

"Yeah...I...well I'm glad I did. What is this...why are you moving out...and with the children as well?" 

Sally stepped past him, placed the bag she was carrying beside the others in the car and closed the rear door. She opened up the driver's side before replying. "Ted, I can't take it anymore. I'm going to stay at my mom's for a while until you come to your senses about this winery idea and get over this Adam thing you're obsessed with." 

"But the man threatened me. I have to take that seriously." 

"What can he do?" 

"Look at all the things he's done so far; isn't that enough. He has to be stopped before more people's lives are put at risk." 

"Maybe he is up to something...well not good, but I don't see why our family has to become involved. Why can't you forget about him and concentrate on your job at the PD and on your family?" 

The thought of Flight 480 flashed through his mind and made Ted flinch. "You're defending him...aren't you? You're upset with me because you missed his call." 

"That's ridiculous." 

"Well why else did you give him your phone number? You must have been expecting to hear from him again. I bet you were arranging to meet him again in Paris." 

"You asked me to meet him in the first place, remember." 

"Yes, but I didn't expect you to enjoy it so much and go and spend the weekend on his yacht. Did you sleep with him as well?" 

"Oh I see; that's what this is all about. What happened to the trust in this marriage? I spent the weekend with him to get information for you and your conspiracy theories and all I get is accused of having a weekend of sex." 

Their raised voices drew the attention of the children who had forgotten their games and found the argument between their parents more interesting. 

Ted motioned Sally inside the house. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry Sally, I really am. Please forgive me...I didn't mean it. Please don't go...let's talk this through." 

"No, I need some space and time to think. I'm tired of struggling Ted. I just want things to be back the way they were; you at the PD bringing in a regular income and no more talk of the winery and Adam." 

Ted hung his head and racked his mind for some sort of compromise that he could offer her to make her change her mind. But he couldn't. He'd be lying to say that he would forget about the winery and Adam. 

"Okay...well...I'm going then." She turned abruptly and stepped out of the house and into the car. Within minutes they were buckled up and reversing out onto the road. Ted stood on the driveway and watched the car make its way slowly down the street, turning at the intersection to disappear from sight. He may have been mistaken but he was sure he saw tears in his wife's eyes.

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