Chapter thirteen

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Teddy Farrell and Chuck both looked up in surprise as the door to the small interview room opened with a burst and an unexpectedly glamorous and well-dressed woman was ushered in by one of the junior officers.

In unison they looked up and down her tall slim frame. She wore a white sleeveless vest fastened in the front with two oversized gold buttons. A salmon colored dress stopped short above the knees, allowing her tanned legs to look infinitely long before disappearing delicately into white Gucci shoes. A small short sleeved black cardigan covered her shoulders and the vest was cut low enough to suggest a hint of cleavage. She held a leather attache case in her left hand. Ted's gaze finally connected with two intense blue-green eyes and he stood abruptly, straightening his broad shoulders to welcome her. Chuck quickly joined him.

"That will be all Officer Banes, thanks." The junior officer nodded and retreated from the room shutting the door behind her.

Ted motioned towards a chair on the opposite side of the desk which the woman accepted with a breezy confidence. The two police officers were then seated.

"Hi, I am Sergeant Teddy Farrell and this is my deputy, Officer Chuck Miller. I believe you are Miss Taylor?

"Yes, I'm Laura Taylor from The Global Tribute in London. I'm here in Sacramento to report on the racial unrest that has erupted by the exposure of the video of the young black boy being beaten by two of your officers. I was wondering whether I could ask you a few questions relating to the matter.

She placed her case on the desk, opened it and took out a notepad and pen, then sat back in the chair, crossing one long leg over the other. She looked at Chuck and then slowly back at Ted.

The woman irritated Ted straight away. Chuck might be interested in looking at her cleavage but he wasn't in the mood and he was tired of journalists taking the controversial point of view all the time. There were always two sides to every story.

"Yes, I am happy to answer your questions but please make it brief and to the point, I don't have much time. And I would be grateful if you could stick to the facts. I've had a difficult night so I'm in no mood for sensationalism."

"Maybe I should speak to someone else." Laura sensed the irritation. She wasn't thrilled to be conducting the interview either.

"No, it's okay." Ted decided to just get it over with. "I don't know whether I can add much to what has already been offered publicly. I have to withhold anything that is still considered classified information, I hope you understand."

"Yes, I can appreciate that. Do you mind if I record the interview?"

" problem, my deputy may be able to assist you with your questioning also. He has been involved in some of the investigation work relating to the inquiry into the incident." Ted looked in Chuck's direction but she ignored the gesture and moved towards her case to remove a small dictaphone. She took a copy of The Sacramento Bee that was lying on top of the recording device and placed it on the desk next to the case.

Before doing anything more she slipped off her cardigan folding it neatly and placing it on the desk next to the paper. Chuck's eyes fell upon her delightfully chiseled shoulders and biceps.

She reached for the dictaphone again and both officers watched with intrigue as she activated the device and spoke to it. "Eight thirty-five A M, third of March. Interview with Police Sergeant Teddy Farrell of the Sacramento Police Department and his deputy, Police Officer Chuck Miller; subject, racial unrest throughout California as a result of the alleged beating of a black man by officers from this precinct." She placed the digital device in the center of the table before leaning back in her chair to re-cross her legs for a second time; an action she knew was being watched closely by Farrell's deputy who sat motionless towards the end of the table. She noted that he had not spoken since she had entered the room.

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