Chapter five

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Twenty-seven years later...

The phone ringing was the last thing Sally needed as she prepared her family for the day. Her three children were seated on bar stools in the kitchen eating pancakes laced with maple syrup while her husband was still in the shower. There were lunches to pack and Ted would be looking for a coffee when he came down. She glanced at the clock on the oven door and decided that she was running out of time.

"Hello, Farrell's residence. Sally speaking," she said picking up the handset.

"Oh, it's you Howard...can...can Ted call you back he's in the shower and I'm quite busy at the moment...Yes, I can pass on a message...Not this again Howard, you know how I feel about it...alright I'll tell him...yes, as soon as he gets out of the shower...okay...goodbye."

She replaced the receiver and sucked in a deep breath looking round for the next chore.

"Was that Uncle Howard? What did he want Mommy?" Caitlin enquired.

"Nothing, now finish your breakfast. Quick we are late already."

"I bet he's found a farm for mom and dad. I can't wait to live on a farm. I want to ride a tractor" Caitlin's younger brother, Robbie chipped in.

"There's not going to be a farm and there is certainly not going to be any dangerous tractors. Now finish your breakfast and go and put on your school uniforms; they are on your beds. Come on hurry up, we only have a few minutes before we go."

She ushered the twins and Robbie out of the kitchen when Ted walked in making final adjustments to his police uniform.

"Who was that, Sal, I heard the phone?"

"Here's your coffee...that was your brother. He has seen some winery for sale on the Internet and he wants you to call him back. I think he wants you to go with him to have a look at it. I told him you were busy getting ready for work and wouldn't get back to him until tonight."

"Really...did he say where it was?"

"He did say but I wasn't listening...somewhere east of Sacramento up in the hills. Listen Ted you know how I feel about this, how can we possibly afford it?"

"It can't hurt to go and have a look with him. I won't make any commitments."

"Then why are you even going to spend time looking at it if you are not considering the possibility of buying it?"

Ted sat on a bar stool and sipped his coffee.

"Honey, you know it's been my dream, and Howie's dream. If we don't do it now, we never will."

"Okay and what are we going to do for money?"

"We'll borrow the money. We'll get a good price for this place which will help; anyway we will be going halves with Howard."

"But he doesn't have any money...look Ted I don't like the idea. And what about the kids...there's schooling and we have to put them through college. We shouldn't be borrowing any more money at this stage in our lives. Now we're comfortable and you have a good secure job at the police department, why not stay here? I'm sure you will be happy."

Ted stared into his coffee cup. "You know I'm not happy. I'm tired of being a cop...all the low-lifes I have to deal with every day and the stress. Not knowing if I'm going to come home at night. I know I'm not good at it. I want to do something I enjoy; something that I'm passionate about; which will get me up each day; something I can be good at. If I'm happy then we'll all be happy. Come on Sal, can't you see that."

"You're being dramatic. You sit behind a desk mostly now."

"Yes and how boring is that? It's the same crap just a different day." Ted's voice rose a little with anger.

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