Chapter thirty six

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"Look Laura, I warned you to give this story up. You are starting to piss me off." 

"Listen Dennis, I have been speaking with Ted..." 

"Whoa...back up a minute...who's Ted?" 

"Police Sergeant Farrell." 

"The police officer you interviewed in California?" 

"Yes, now he's seen Adam's company buying up shares in a company in Dallas. Ted, or should I say Sergeant Farrell, called on a colleague of his in Dallas to put a watch on the company's CEO who flies regularly to Phoenix. His children live there with his estranged wife. We, that is, Sergeant Farrell and I, believe he is Adam's next victim. Can't you see there is a pattern emerging?" 

"Laura, you should listen to yourself and how ridiculous you sound. If I didn't know any better I'd think that you're winding me up. You are supposed to be a professional journalist and the only pattern I can see is you pestering me on this subject. And to be blunt, I'm getting fucking sick of hearing this guy Adam's name and anything to do with telepathy. Now leave it before I have you placed on forced holiday leave to bring you back to your senses." 

"But can't you see, Adam targets a company, the CEO is mysteriously killed in an accident all the while he is trading the company's stock at predetermined optimum times and is making a killing. Ted's man in Dallas has learnt that he his flying on a Texjet Airlines flight from Dallas to Phoenix the day after tomorrow. I propose we watch the flight on a flight tracking website and see what happens. If nothing happens to the flight then I promise I will give up on the idea for good, but if something does then I want you to back me in getting an interview with this guy." 

"That's sick...we are hoping for a plane to crash and everyone to be killed." 

"Of course I don't want the plane to crash but what if it does and we are not paying attention? Then he continues to do his dirty work unabated and more lives are lost. It has to be worth an hour or two of our time. Anyway you've done worse to get a story." 

"Laura if there is anyone being murdered then police or Interpol will get involved and it becomes another matter. At the moment to my mind this Adam is not killing anyone and he is definitely not telepathic. If nothing else he is just some prudent businessman that's maybe had a run of luck and the sooner you realize that the better for all of us. Could it be a religious cult we are dealing with here? If it is then we have ourselves a story." 

"No it's just one man." 

"Then it's crazy." 

"Okay, but it won't hurt just to watch this once and then that will be it, I promise." 

Dennis sighed. "Alright then, what time's the flight?" 


"Okay, we'll schedule a meeting for that time. We'll set up a laptop in the boardroom so we are not disturbed. But you must promise me that after this nonsense you will give it up. It's a waste of time." 

"I promise."

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