Chapter seventeen

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They flew to Acapulco, Sally saying very little as she spent much of the time watching the country below slip steadily by out of the window, from the comfort of a cream colored leather chair. Her mind was abuzz with conflicting thoughts particularly now that the effects of the champagne were wearing off. She still believed that she was doing the best thing for Ted. She was convinced that she could learn much more about Adam and his operations from within his comfort zone onboard his yacht - when he was in his own world. She also knew she was doing it very much for herself. But why couldn't she enjoy being spoilt for once? Even though Adam exuded charm and wealth and was completely desirable she would never do anything to hurt Ted. She trusted her instinct that she would be safe onboard his yacht. There would be crew around her and she would never allow herself to be alone with him without anyone being within earshot. At lunch he had promised her a bedroom for her own private use and she was intent on keeping him to his word. 

A woman who was introduced to her as Amanda appeared on occasion from behind a partition to offer refreshments. She thought of Ted and what he must be thinking. She hoped he would forgive her when she came back on Sunday armed with information. 

She recalled their dash in a taxicab from Biba. She had hoped upon hope that her husband wouldn't try and use his position at the police department to intervene. He hadn't, and they had boarded the jet which had been waiting for them at the Executive Airport. Fortunately she had found her passport in her purse from their vacation, which meant they were soon able to be in the air heading south for the Mexican border. At one point she had drawn Adam to the fact that she had no change of clothes, but he noted her size and reassured her that an exhaustive wardrobe would be on offer by the time she reached the yacht. 

"What is the name of your boat?" Sally broke from her thoughts and asked all of a sudden for no particular reason. Her head was numb from alcohol. 

Adam was sitting opposite her reading a newspaper. He folded it carefully placing it on a small table between them. "Yacht; it's actually a yacht. I call her Benjamin." 

"Now that's funny," she pointed out, "a she being called a he." She reminded herself to stop drinking as she was beginning to ramble. 

"I had a twin brother, at birth that was, but due to complications only one of us could survive. I was chosen. It was a choice my parents made. They told me my brother would have been called Benjamin, so I call my yacht Benjamin. That way he lives on and stays close to me, as he did up until we were born." 

"That's so sad. I'm sorry I made that stupid remark I didn't..." 

"No that's okay. You weren't to know." 

Sally fell silent again and decided the next time Amanda appeared offering drinks she would politely refuse.

By the time they reached Acapulco the daylight was already fading and the afternoon shadows were lengthening. The jet touched down at General Juan N Alvarez International Airport and taxied up to a waiting helicopter. Mexican customs officials were already at hand to process their documents and then the helicopter whisked them up the coast across Bahia de Puerto Marques and then across the entrance to Bahia de Acapulco to a yacht which was resting peacefully behind the island of La Roqueta. To Sally, Benjamin resembled more of small cruise liner than a yacht as it lay at its mooring reflecting the last of the sun's golden rays off its dazzling white superstructure. As the helicopter came to rest on the helipad Adam took Sally's hand to steady her onto the deck. 

"Welcome to my humble home." He shouted over the slowing rotations of the overhead blades. 

The hot air of the tropical evening closed in around them and she immediately grew confident with her decision. She intended having the most wonderful time consumed in this luxury. 

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