Chapter forty two

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Richard Dimbleby walked along the platform beneath the massive canopy of St Pancras Station and found the business class coach on the Eurostar train which sat waiting like a sleeping giant in its nest. Being a frequent traveler he knew how to travel light so he easily slipped into his seat after placing his small suitcase in the overhead compartment. He placed his only other possessions - a black leather briefcase and an overcoat - on the table in front of him. He settled by the window opening his briefcase and pulling out some documents to read on the journey in preparation of the launch. He had a lot of work to do so he didn't notice the two women who passed his window in search of the standard class coaches of the train. One was immaculately dressed with heels and a cream Chanel clutch bag pulling Louis Vuitton roller luggage; the other in more casual and comfortable traveling attire and dragging a large luggage bag on wheels. They found their allotted coach and hauled their luggage along the aisle to their seats. After disposing of their bags they sat facing each other.

"Lucky we were able to get these seats at such late notice. I hadn't expected all the fights to be fully booked."

"Yes, we were lucky," Caren agreed. "Oh Laura, I'm so excited. I can't wait to see Paris."

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