Chapter forty seven

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Ted crossed the street and entered the brasserie opposite his hotel clean-shaven and showered and barely able to contain his smile. 

"What's made you so happy?" Laura was spreading raspberry jam on lightly toasted white bread. 

Ted seated himself opposite her. "Well, I'm going farming." 

"What! Go on. I don't believe it." 

"Yes, my brother and I made an offer on the winery and we've got ourselves a deal." 

"But what about your wife, does she know?" 

Ted's cheerful demeanor dissolved quickly away. He thought about his words before giving his reply. "That's still a problem. Sally's saying she's not ready to come back; she needs more time. Also she's not happy about the way I got the money. I thought she'd be pleased." 

"How did you get the money?" 

"Let's just say a donation from Adam at the appropriate juncture was very much appreciated." Ted tried to deviate from the truth. 

"Gosh, it's amazing you got money from him. Is he a closet philanthropist?" 

"I think I caught him on a good day." Ted fidgeted with a napkin. "Anyway, when I move up to the farm Sally wants to move back into our Sacramento home." 

"What about your children?" 

"They'll stay with her. It's probably for the best anyhow. There's a lot of work to be done getting the winery operational so they're better off out of the way for the time being. I sure will miss having them around. Still, you're welcome to come and stay whenever you're in the neighborhood," Ted tried to add cheerily. 

"Yes I will...I'd like that." 

A young blonde waitress came and took Ted's breakfast order. 

"Laura, I haven't been completely honest with you. I have a confession to make." 

"Really, what is it?" 

Ted pulled his wallet from his trouser pocket and selected a picture from the contents and showed it to Laura across the table. It was a portrait of Sally with the three children. 

"Oh my gosh! The resemblance is remarkable...the cheeks...and the eyes in particular...even the hair." She took the photo from his hand and gazed at it open-mouthed. 

"When you showed me the images of Caren on your cellphone in Phoenix I had a fair idea what Adam was actually after and thankfully it was not my wife." 

"Oh I see; some creative bribery went on yesterday did it?" 

"You're a clever'll succeed." 

"You don't have to patronize me anymore. You've got what you wanted...congratulations." 

"Actually I have to tell you I'm not proud of what I did." Ted took the photo back from Laura and studied it. "All this thing with Adam has taken a toll. You know, I haven't slept properly since Sally left. Actually, not since I discovered the wreck on the Interstate. I feel like I don't know who I am anymore. My thoughts and rationale seem to be coming now from outside my own mind." He returned the photo to his wallet and breathed deeply looking across the room. "I just hope I can live with myself." He turned back towards Laura before continuing in a defensive tone. "But I felt he owed me something." 

"Absolutely, he's had a huge impact on your life. I'm sorry about Sally though. I'm sure you can work through it. I obviously don't know her but I sense you two make a good husband-wife team. You're a good person Ted." 

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