Prologue : Arrival

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   There was a little window centered mid left amongst the bare walls. The glass was painted Green, Blue, and White. When the sun would shine, depending on how bright it is, the colors would change. Creating a beautiful blurred scenery in the minds eye.

   How I longed to see the day again. My eyes took the darkness clearly. I lied in my place and listened to the sound of the old furnace roaring. The heat scolding.

   I listened to the beat of footsteps shuffling above me. My captors were back. They have been gone for some time since I have came to. Their footsteps grew closer and closer. A light revealed the stairway as two shadows approached the room.

   A dim light exposed the room as the strange couple stood above me. The elder gentleman kneeled in front of me. He reached out and took my hands in his.

    "I'm going to let you out of these chains. But, you have to promise me you won't run or try anything silly. Do you understand?" He asked.

   His eyes were a bright Blue, hints of mint infused. His thin silver hair was pulled into a low ponytail and rested over his right shoulder. The light above him flashed off the rim of his silver glasses.

   His wife smiled softly as she passed him an old fashioned, rusted Black key. With which he unlocked the cuffs that were scraping my wrists.

   I rubbed both of them because they were sore from the upwards position I had been in for who knows how long.

   I looked at the two standing above me. Both of them staring at me. I started to get nervous.

   Should I make a run for it? I had already examined all the possible ways to escape.

   Oddly, something in me seemed drawn to stay. I was curious as to what these two had in store for me. After all, they could have napped anyone off the street. Instead, they chose me.

   I held my breath as the older woman walked up to me. She reached out slowly and pulled a few strands of my hair from behind my ear. She braided them and tucked it back behind my ear.

   "We will not hurt you dear, I promise you are safe with us." She whispered.

   She was a very beautiful woman. She had dark hazel eyes and fairly pale skin. Her long, thick dark hair tucked behind her ears. Her expressions were very gentle and animated. She seemed like a really sweet lady.

   "As long as you listen. We have so much in store for you." He smirked and pulled me to my feet, his arm wrapped around mine.

    As we began upstairs, I glanced back to the small stained glass. I could actually see the grass. The beautiful, green grass.

Neon Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora