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She picked me up bridal style, and carried me down a long dark hallway. We went down a staircase and I got a glance of their beautiful living room.

Dark red curtains draped over two massive windows. The navy blue carpeting complimented the bright grey walls.

They had a dark brown leather couch, with rose decorated throw pillows on each side, and a matching set of recliners facing each other from each side of the room. A golden glass coffee table stood in the center, topped with two books and a vase full of wildflowers.

Pictures of the two of them lined the walls. Small hanging pots with bright green ferns hung from the ceiling in each corner of the room. They looked healthy and alive.

I was escorted through the living room and down another long hallway. I looked at all of the pictures. The two of them looked so happy. Huge smiles plastered on each memory.

A light flickered on, and we were in a bathroom. The pink wallpaper glistened under the bright light. A white candle sat on the edge of the counter, along with other bathroom things. There were two matching pink rugs by the sink and the toilet.

She put me in the bathtub and started to run the water. When it reached a decent temperature, she plugged the drain to collect the water.

She rested her left hand on my cheek, pulling my face to look up at her. I tried to bring my legs up to my chest, but she put her hands on my knees and gently pushed them back down into the water.

"It's alright dear, you are safe here. I promise you." She whispered.

I eased up and relaxed in the warm water.

"Good girl." She smiled.

I watched her as she pulled a scrubbing brush out of the cabinet underneath the sink. She pulled my hair into a ponytail with the single hair tie from around her wrist.

"Do you like any of these? If not, we can accommodate later on." She asked me, pointing to the bottles of soap lined on on shelf.

My options were Strawberry Mint, Ocean Waters, Vanilla Lavender and Coconut. I pointed to the strawberry. It seemed like it smelled nice.

She grabbed it and doused the brush. I tried to grab it from her to bathe myself, but she snatched her hand away from me.

"Please, allow me." She said. More like demanded.

I blinked in surprise, but nodded. Giving her permission. Not that I think I have I choice. She smiled and started to scrub me.

My instincts were correct, this soap smells amazing. The sweetness of the strawberry with the cool hint of mint was relaxing. Which was exactly what I needed.

Once my entire body was covered with soap she reached up and brought down the shower head. She turned it on and told me to stand. I did as she said to, and she rinsed the soap away.

Loose strands of my hair draped down the sides of my face. The water dripped off my shoulders and ran down my back and chest.

   I ran my fingers through the soapy water. Inhaling the pleasing scent.

   "How are you feeling?" She asked me. She tucked the strands of hair behind my ears.

   "I feel better now." I told her. I didn't have much energy in the moment. I was exhausted at that.

   "Good." She finished rinsing me and pulled the plug in the drain.

   "Stand up for me, please dear." She smiled at me and held her hand out. I took it and she pulled me to my feet.

   She took a towel out of the small closet behind the door, and dries me off.

   "Will will get you some new clothes later on, okay?" "For now, will you settle for a pair our ours?" She asked, wrapping the towel around me.

   I nodded and she turned me towards the mirror. She took my hair down, and pulled a green brush from out of the drawer. She brushed out my hair, detangling the knots.

   She tucked it behind my ears and glanced at me in the mirror.

   "You are such a beautiful young lady." "Listen, I understand we could have gone about this all wrong, but I do only hope you can find it in you to find comfort in us." "You have every right not to trust us, but just know, we will never hurt you." "Unless, you'd like us to that is." She grinned and kissed the back of my head.

   I nodded and let her finish brushing my hair out. She seems like such a sweet lady. There has to be some reason the two of them chose me. I just can't put my finger on it.

   She put down the brush and picked me up again. She carried me back through the living room and up the stairs. We entered a bedroom.

   The same carpeting and walls. Three dark wooden dressers lined the walls. The same curtains from downstairs covered the single window. A huge bed sat against the middle of the wall.

   She placed me on the bed. Oh my god. These sheets felt like heaven. Soft, cool silk. They were black with lace designs traced on the edges.

  I could lie here forever.

   "Smell these, and pick your favorite." She said. She put a pile of different scented lotions in front of me. I smelled all of them, and decided to go with, once again, the strawberry. It was white strawberry, which smelled like god.

   She put the rest away and poured some in her hands. She pulled my legs to her and started messaging it onto my skin. Making me feel soft and smooth.

   She did my legs and arms and everywhere else, and put the bottle away. She opened a drawer and pulled out a T-shirt.

   "Do you like this one?" She asked, holding up an old faded Star Wars shirt. To which I nodded.

   She pulled it over my head and k pushed my arms through. Pulling it down over me. It was oversized and definitely was too big for me. But I wasn't complaining. It made me feel comfortable.

   "Come lay down." "This will be your spot, here in the middle." "Will this do?" She questioned. She fluffed a pillow in the center of the bed.

   I nodded and crawled into place. She pulled the covers over me and tucked me in.

   "I will come get you when dinner is ready." "You need your rest." She smiled and walked out the door, turning the light off behind her.

   I lied there, pondering over everything. It doesn't seem like they want to kill me. Not yet.

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