New Toy Pt.1

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We pulled up into their driveway. Benjamin turned off the car. I looked at him and back down. When I turned back to him he was staring directly at me. I wanted to joke but I just stared back at him. A small smile twitched on his face.

"I'm going inside." I said. His sad face reconstructed. He got out of the car and opened my door, holding out his hand to help me out.

We walked up the driveway to the door. He just opens it and follows me in. Quietly shutting the door behind us. Walter and his wife were sitting a the kitchen table. Mrs smiled when she saw us. I sat in my spot and Walter hugged me.

He hugged me.

"Please, do join us!" She kicked out the chair in front of then. Slipping out of my coat.

"With pleasure!"Benjamin took a seat and rested his jacket on the rail of the chair.

"Care for some coffee?" "It should be almost done." She asked.

"Yes, please!" He smiled at her. She stood up and wandered over to the counter.

   "How was your night dear " she asked, looking at me as she placed three steaming hot cups of coffee on the table.

    "It was okay." I smiled.

   "Just, okay " Walter glanced at me, stirring his coffee. I couldn't help but smile even more. I just nodded.

   "I think we have our answer." She giggled, sitting back down with us.

   "So, what are you thinking?" Walter asked the two. They looked at each other and back at him.

   "I say, tonight, test chemistry." Mrs. pulled her hair to the side and started braiding it. Looking up at Walter as he nodded.

   "Excellent." They sipped their coffees.

   "What do you say we get you into something more relaxing dear?" Miss said to me. She stood up and rested her arm on my shoulder. I nodded and stood to my feet, walking upstairs with her.

   We got to the bedroom and she scooped me up and tossed me on the bed. She took off my shoes and began pulling my skirt, adjusting my fishnets as she slid it off. She took my top off and tossed it to the floor.

"Now then, I think that suits you well. Don't you?" She smiled at me. I nodded. When I stood up, she pushed me back down.

   "You sit here little lady." "You will be good tonight won't you?" She told me. I was very confused but I nodded.

She walked out of the room and left me laying here alone.

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