Aloe Springs Pt. 1

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(Lydia's P.O.V.)

   I woke up on the couch with a blanket tossed over me. Kevin was on the floor in front of the couch. I reached down and smacked him in the face playfully. He jumped and opened his eyes wide. I stared at him and waved slyly. I gently smiled and scrunched up my nose at him.

"Good morning beautiful!" I whispered. I moved a strand of his hair out of his face. He grunted and rolled over, pulling the blanket over his face.

I leaned down and ripped the blanket off of him, snuggling into it tightly. He sat up immediately and reached for it back. I jerked it from him and pulled his hand in mine. I brought it to my lips and slowly licked his fingers, gently biting the tips.

His grouchy, sleepy expression quickly changed to a smile. He shoved his fingers half way down my throat. I took it until I felt myself about to gag and he pulled his fingers back.

   I hit him in the head with my pillow and he covered his face, trying to hide his shy smile.

    "Morning." He whispered in a dull monotone.

   He always sounded exhausted or depressed. But he had energy from out of nowhere when he was wired. It was the most adorable thing ever.

    "Why'd you sleep on the floor?" I asked him.

   "You shoved me off the couch." He shrugged.

    "I'm so sorry baby." I giggled.

   "You're not." He flashed his pretty teeth at me. I rolled my eyes and wrapped myself in the blankets.

   "What time is it?" I asked. He felt around for his phone and looked up at me.

   "You lost your phone?" I cocked my eyebrow at him. He smiled and nodded. I rolled my eyes and forced myself to sit up.

   I heard the back door slam, followed by heavy footsteps.

   Walter came through the kitchen covered in dirt and mud.

"Good morning!" He cheered. He was in a good mood. Which seemed rare with him, especially being covered in muck. Considering he always kept himself squeaky clean, down to his nails.

   He walked over to us and flashed Kevin a look, to which Kevin nodded, before kissing my forehead.

   "I'm going to shower up." "You two sure did sleep in a while." He said, taking off his coat. He fixed his long sleeves and his turtle neck collar. Even in this hot weather, he still wore a coat and long sleeves. At first I assumed it was so he could always be prepared for whatever weather, being our weather here was bipolar.

   "We had an eventful night." I said. I smiled and ran my fingers through Kevin's messy hair, getting it out of his face. He blinked his eyes and sniffled.

    "Where is everybody?" Kevin asked.

    "We're all outside, out back." Walter said.

   "Come! Join us!" He told us before slipping back into the kitchen.

   Kevin looked at me and climbed up off the floor. He adjusted his pants and my eyes beelined towards his exposed waistline.

   He looked down and tried to hide his boner with his hands, failing miserably.

   "Let me get some of that!" I told him. I reached for him and he took off up the stairs.

   "Babe!" I whined. I sling myself off the couch and regained my balance before calmly, walking up the stairs. By the time I made it to the bathroom, he slammed and locked the door.

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