Chapter 20

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Kensi put her phone down and looked at her fiancé. "Maybe we should go check on him."

Deeks looked up from scratching Monty behind his ears. "Are you that worried about him?"

She shrugged. "The tension was palpable when I left. And you know how not good he is with his emotions and telling her about the job is so important to him. I just want to make sure they're okay."

Knowing that Kensi was not usually this openly concerned, he got up and nodded. "Of course. Can we take Monty?"

"Worst case scenario is that one of us stays out on the terrace."

"Works for me." Taking Monty's leash, he followed Kensi out.

There was another girl standing behind the bar when Kensi entered Indulge. "Hi, are Ca... Grisha and Deja around?" His name needed some getting used to.

Keira shook her head and put her dishtowel down. "Deja took him back home. She's not here on a Saturday anyway."

"Thanks." One last look around and Kensi joined Deeks and Monty outside again. "They've gone back to his house. Let's make a pit stop there, then?"

Deeks nodded and followed her along. A while later, they were knocking on the door. Deeks let his gaze wonder over the front yard. "Is it me, or does it look cleaned up and trimmed out here?"

Kensi followed his gaze. "It does. It's a whole lot less of a jungle." When she heard the door, she turned back to the sound.

For a moment, the brunette seemed surprised and slightly guarded, until she seemed to recognize one of them. "Kensi, right?"

"Hi." Kensi had obviously not expected Deja to be the one opening the door. "I'm sorry to show up unannounced. Callen around as well?"

Deja stepped back to let them in. "Of course. Come on in." She smiled down at Monty. "Your dog?"

"This is Monty. He's usually over enthusiastic, so don't mind him." As she was talking, Kensi's eyes roamed the living room. Apparently, he'd made some changes. There was actually place to sit, now. "And this is my fiancé Marty Deeks. He's on the team, too."

Dee shook his hand. "Nice to meet you. It's nice to have faces by names, finally."

"Likewise," Deeks said. "I've heard a lot about you, but you know Callen... Awfully private and all."

"Make yourselves at home; he's upstairs, I'll go see if he's up yet."

That set an alarm off by the both of them. "You don't have to wake him on our behalf, if he's still resting," Kensi hurried to say. "We just wanted to make sure he was all right."

"Don't worry about it. Almost dinner time anyway, so he's going to have to wake up sooner or later." She paused for single moment. "Wanted to make sure I'd still be here, huh?"

Kensi didn't have time to respond as she disappeared up the stairs to the second floor. She turned to Deeks. "Something I said?"

"Nope. I think she's as sharp as a razor. She's got good people skills." Deeks looked around. "She's more gorgeous than he's let on."

"She is."

"More observant probably too."


"Great cook."

"Wouldn't know. Doesn't take much to be better than the two of us."

"There's actually place to sit here. Things." He studied the books on the shelves. "Cookbooks, novels, those grammar books Callen uses... Different languages as well."

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