Chapter 26

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It was after the game three weeks later that Callen found himself sitting at Sam's back porch with a drink and a view of the garden. Sam put his drink down and looked at him. "I still don't know why we couldn't carpool to the game."

"Because I had things to do before the game."

Sam furrowed a brow. "Like what? Family brunch?"

"Like grocery shopping. Errands. I do have a house that needs maintenance every now and then."

"He has a house that..." Sam shook his head. "Doesn't maintenance require you have stuff? Stuff that works?"

"I have stuff that works. Now, at least. The vacuum cleaner broke." That was at least one errand. Dee had sent him out to buy a new vacuum cleaner, complete with a make and model that she wanted. He hadn't even stopped to question her.

Baffled, Sam stared at him. "Okay, I'm going to get some answers from you. Michele!"

Michele arrived with a plate of burgers. Callen looked at them and wondered if they were homemade or store bought. He was becoming a snob when it came to food. "What?"

"He went out to buy a vacuum cleaner."

"That always works better than a broom," was Michele's dry comment.

Sam looked at her. "Michele, a vacuum cleaner. Him."

Callen shrugged. "Hey, I'm trying to better my life here. Besides, I might not have a lot of stuff, I do clean."

"He's been complaining about your lack of social time." She took a seat next to him.

"He's just complaining that my social time doesn't necessarily involves him anymore."

"I'm standing right here."

Michele rolled her eyes at her husband. "We know."

"And I should apologize for not being around for the last six months or so," Callen said. "I've been working on myself and I needed time. You know he tends to smother."

"Still standing here."

"You do, hon. Remember how you talked about him and Joelle when they were dating?"

Sam turned back to his grill and shrugged. "Just didn't want him to screw it up."

"You think I screwed it up?"

"Maybe you could've put a bit more effort in?"

"Sam, she hated the job. I couldn't convince her to stay. I'm good at what I do. I'm not going to give that up because she's scared to death about me not coming home."

Again, Sam frowned. "What if she was the perfect girl? And you let her slip through your fingers because you don't want to give up the job."

"She wasn't the perfect girl. For someone else, maybe. Not for me."

Michele studied him. "You've met the perfect girl."

"Maybe." He wasn't committing to anything.

Sam turned around, eyes wide. "What?"

Michele smiled. "He's met the perfect girl. The one that will stay despite his job."

"I do think she really likes me, Michele."

Michele patted his knee. "Of course she does. She wouldn't stay if she didn't."

"You've met someone? You're actually dating someone and you haven't told me?" He turned the heat on the grill down. "What's her name? Where'd you meet her? How long has this been going on?"

"Nope, you're not entitled to all that information yet. We're getting somewhere, I really like her, and you are not going to tell me what to do."

"When have I ever told you what to do?"

"Do I need to remind you that I met Joelle because of you in the first place? I met this one all on my own, I'm trying to make it work all on my own. Will you let me do this?"

"You've never done this on your own before."

"It hasn't been for lack of trying."

Michele laughed. "Oh, he's got a point, Sam."

"What do you mean?"

"You want the truth?"


"What would you have done if I'd told you that I was dating someone right away? Wouldn't you have been all over me? Trying to coax information out of me on who she was? Where I'd met her? What I was doing? Where I was taking her on dates?"

Sam had the decency to look slightly flushed. "Well...."

"You would've. You would've insisted on meeting her, long before I was ready to share. Hell, you would probably write a proposal and buy a ring when I wasn't looking." Callen shot his partner a stern look. "So no, I haven't shared her with you yet. You'll get to know when I know what's going to happen."

"Happen how?"

Lifting his glass, he took a sip. "If things are going to be permanent. If she's moving in, if she's absolutely sure about me. And I would appreciate it if you'd let me write my own proposal." She'd already moved in and he was absolutely sure she was going to stay, but Sam didn't have to know that yet.

Callen could see the wheels turning in Sam's head. Then he grinned. "He's thinking about proposing."

Groaning, Callen rolled his eyes. "Seriously? That is all you took from that? That I'm thinking about proposing?"

"You've never mentioned proposing before." Sam was getting excited. Then his eyes grew wide again. "How long have you been dating her?"

"That's classified." And that was all Callen was going to give him.

Later that night, when Sam and Michele were putting away dishes, Michele leaned against the counter. "You have to let it go."

Sam looked up. "Let what go?"

"He has a girlfriend. He's putting down roots. Good for him. But you need to let it go and let him handle it."

"I am."

"You're interrogating him on every detail! What's her name, what's she like, what does she do for a living... Let him set the pace. He'll tell you things when he's ready. And knowing Callen, that might not be tomorrow or the day after."

Sam regarded her and thought hard for a moment. "You think he's right?"

"Keeping it from you?"

"That I'm too much in his face about it?"

"You are." She didn't even hesitate. "But he knows it comes from a good place. Just give him room to evolve and become who he's meant to be. He'll come to you when he's ready."

Sighing, Sam nodded. "I'm only trying to help."

Michele patted his hand. "I know, hon. But he's like Aiden. You have to let it go at some point and let them figure it out themselves. He's old and wise enough to figure things out. The fact that he went for help alone should tell you that."

"It did." Still pensive, Sam stared at the wall. "I only want him to be happy, you know?"

"You mentioned that." She nudged his shoulder. "Give him space. He'll come to you."

No Ordinary Love - G.Callen NCIS L.AWhere stories live. Discover now