Chapter 27

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He was pacing outside the shop. His third today. The other two hadn't lived up to his expectations, so here he was. It was his only free day that she wasn't here this weekend. Sunday was his day off and her workday. Saturday was the only day they really had together, and even that sometimes didn't work, because of his job or the level of crowd at the café.

He had his friendship with Sam back on track, basically. He'd been dropping subtle hints, but nothing concrete. Sam hadn't met Dee yet and Grisha still wanted to keep it that way. At least until it was more official.

Which was the reason he was pacing outside the jewelry store. He'd looked online, browsing through shops, but not really finding what he was looking for. He'd studied Kensi's ring closely, and though it fit Kensi to a T and Marty had done a great job picking it out, it wasn't something he'd want for Dee. So he kept looking.

Finally opening the door, he went inside, only to come back out empty- handed half an hour later. Nothing he saw seemed to fit. Not that he was sure what he was looking for. Something elegant and small. Delicate. Simple. Understated.

Dee didn't like big things. She owned tons of earrings, but wore only one or two pairs of them on a day-to-day basis. Classic diamond studs or small hoops. With the exception of New Years Eve and a few parties they'd attended since then, those were the only ones he'd seen her wear. That, and a thin, twisted bracelet, which he'd learned, was a present from Nanna.

So nothing big. Nothing really fancy either, because that just wasn't who she was. He needed something a bit quirkier, but after the three shops, he was slightly disappointed. Surely there were more girls out there like Dee? Where did those guys buy an engagement ring?

Another shop. The gentleman nodded his understanding at his explanation that he wanted something a bit more different than all those other guys were purchasing. Again, though, he didn't find it.

Becoming frustrated, he left the shop, wondering what to do next. Maybe he just wasn't going to find her ring today. Perhaps the universe was conspiring against him in this search for the symbol that was going to make things permanent between them.

Maybe he was looking at this from the wrong angle. Dee loved all things vintage. Old. She preferred vintage china and linen napkins. Old-fashioned manners. Even her brush and comb, he was told, were inherited from Abuela a long time ago. She always said it was the stories. Having belonged to someone else, made that they'd seen other times, other places. They'd already lived a life; she was prolonging that, adding stories of her own.

Okay, so a vintage ring then. One that'd hopefully already had a happy ending. But where to find one? He hadn't searched online for that kind of shop. He wouldn't know where to find it. Pulling out his cell, he dialed a familiar number.

"To what do I owe the pleasure on this Sunday, Mr. Callen?"

Grisha grinned. "Hetty, you have to stop calling me that out of work. I do have a name, now, you know."

"Yes, I know. And I should start using it, indeed." She cleared her throat. "It will take time. What can I do for you right now?"

"Please tell me you know one or two vintage jewelry shops."

"I might... What are you looking for? Earrings? A bracelet?"

"An engagement ring."

It stayed quiet on the other end of the line for a little while. "You were serious about wanting to marry her."

"I still am."

He could hear her smile. "Very well. There's one a few blocks from the market you go to at Victory; it's run by Lily Anderson. She has lovely pieces. I'm confident you'll find something you like there."

No Ordinary Love - G.Callen NCIS L.AOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora