Chapter 23

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He saw them arriving through the window. They had arranged to meet at Harry's, it being Deja's favorite place to eat and a neutral ground to meet. The man she was with turned around, putting his chin up so she could straighten his tie. His hair short, a day old stubble on his cheeks which Alistair wasn't sure he could appreciate. His daughter looked impeccable; polished, put together, every inch her mother. Her smile was affectionate and comfortable as she looked up at him. Undoubtedly saying something that was meant to put him at ease. He hadn't seen that look on her face in a long time.

The man gave her an affectionate smile in return, pressing a kiss to her forehead. It was then that Alistair saw the sling. Maybe there was a good reason for the day old stubble on his cheeks after all. His daughter laid her palms flat against the lapels of his jacket, her face stern but her eyes smiling. She seemed so happy and carefree. Perhaps she was right; he needed an open mind meeting this man.

Beside him, Maria touched his sleeve. "You see how at ease she is?"

"I do."

"You also see how nervous he is meeting us?"

"Yes, I see that."

Maria patted his arm. "Be nice, darling. He might be the best thing that's happened to her in a long time."

Somehow, Alistair doubted that. But he'd give it a shot. Even with one arm, he held the door open for his daughter, and she preceded him. Her eyes traveled over the crowd until she found her parents. Taking his hand, she took him in the direction of the table.

His eyes were guarded, but he was standing up straight and looking him directly in the eye. Good. Alistair rose as Deja introduced them. "Papa, mama, this is Grisha. Grisha, Alistair and Maria Barrow, my parents."

"I'm sorry to give you my left hand, sir, but as you can see, my right is non-operational at the moment. It's nice to meet you."

Alistair took the outstretched hand. "No problem. Did you have an accident?"

"Small car accident. Broke my shoulder, unfortunately. If all goes well, the sling will be gone in a week." Shaking Maria's hand as well, he smiled. "It's nice to meet you both. Deja has told me a lot about you."

They sat down and Alistair ordered wine. Carefully, Grisha lifted the sling over his head and relaxed his shoulder. "Did you have a good trip? Deja told me you're staying at the Bel-Air."

Maria told him about their trip. He listened intently, his eyes on Maria, his posture not relaxed yet. Deja moved her chair just a little bit in his direction. Alistair wondered if she'd noticed or if it was an unconscious move. They seemed to be in sync with each other.

Dinner came, and they asked him about his job, and his upbringing. He'd gone over what to tell about his job with Dee before they left the house. His upbringing was a different story. He told them about the foster homes and the job-hopping before settling in his current position. Alistair listened to it and was impressed. The man had made something of himself. Not everyone would have been able to suffer through it. Judging by the way his daughter was looking at him, she loved him all the more for it.

After dinner, Maria proposed a stroll on the beach. She stayed back with Deja. "Let them figure this one out, querida."

Deja followed Grisha's form with mild concern in her eyes. She squeezed her mother's hand. "What do you think?"

Maria smiled. "He's nothing like Kevin. His vibe is different." He may be nervous, but Maria could see that his heart was kind, gentle. Every touch, look or smile sent in Deja's direction was only filled with love and affection. The way he acted towards her daughter made Maria more relieved than she would've thought.

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