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The next morning, Saera noticed Cregan Stark alone in the gardens and decided to join him.

"Lord Stark." She said sweetly and bowed.

"Princess, good morning. What can I do for you?"

Saera smirked and began to walk with him. "I only wish to know more about you.... and your sister. Tell me about her."

"Hm. She's very eccentric and very spiritual." He told her.

"Was she always that way?" Saera asked. She needed to know more about Daenera.

"No... you can say the death of our mother changed her."

"In what way?"

Cregan felt uncomfortable, but he still answered her question. "I don't know how to explain it."

"Try." She said firmly.

Cregan sighed and placed his hands behind his back. "She just became a new person, you could say..... The way she talked the way she acted it was just different."

"Bad different?"

Cregan stopped and faced the young princess. "My sister is kind. She always has been. Now I do not know what you have against her but I suggest you don't get in her way." He explained.

"So she is dangerous?"

"You're not hearing me... Daenera is not an evil person, but I have seen her lose control. Just don't press any of her buttons."

"Which ones should I avoid?" She asked.

"Our mother and father.... and her wolf. Just don't be rude." He answered.

"I love my family, Lord Stark, but I need to know if she is a threat." Saera said to him.

"I can not answer that princess."

Saera scoffed and shook her head before walking off. She needed to convince Aemond not to pursue Daenera anymore. She quickly ran up to his room and barged him.

"Aemond your chest?" She said, looking at him shirtless.

"Yeah, I know it's gone. I don't understand either."

"What did she do to you?"

"I'm not sure, but I will definitely thank her."

"Are you kidding me, Aemond? Don't you see what she's doing to you?" She asked angrily.

"Not this again." He groaned. "I want her, Saera."

"And what happens if she doesn't want you back?"

"I will have her anyway." He said coldly.

"If you won't listen to me, then I will prove it to you."

Aemond sighed and shook his head as his sister left his room.

Saera made her way to her mother's room and again entered without knocking.

"Mother, I need to speak to you alone, please." She said urgently.

Criston Cole left the room, giving the mother and daughter their privacy.

"What is it, Saera?" Alicent asked.

"You can't let him marry her."

"They are not even officially betrothed."

"So call it off before it goes any further." She pleaded.

"I can not do that. If Aemond manages to convince Daenera to marry him, the north will follow us." Alicent said. "Now I need to check on your father."

"No, mother, wait, just listen to me." She said, grabbing her mother's arm.

"Saera, this is what is best for the realm."

"Please, mother, I don't trust her."

"Why are you acting like this?" Alicent asked her.

"Because I love him!"

Alicents face softened as she hugged her daughter. "I know it must pain you to know he does not feel the same, but you will find someone else, my darling."

"I don't want anyone else. I want him!" She shouted.

"And what if he doesn't want you?"

"He does he just doesn't know it yet."

"Oh my sweet girl... what do you know about love?" She asked softly and turned towards the door.

"More than you could ever know! You may not love Father, but I love Aemond."

"Saera, your father is ill, and I need to take care of him. Now, whatever this tantrum is about, it ends now." Alicent said firmly and left.


Later that night, everyone sat down at the dinner eating, drinking, and engaging in conversation.

"Where is my brother?" Prince Daemon asked.

"The king sends his apologies, but he is feeling unwell this evening." Alicent answered.

Maegor was seated next to Daenera and took out a golden coin from his pocket, and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Want to see a magic trick?" He asked her.

"Yes, of course." She said, smiling.

"Watch closely," he said to her, and she leaned in.

He quickly flipped the coin with his thumb, and it disappeared into thin air.

Daenera gasped in amazement, and Prince Maegor smiled with satisfaction.

"Not bad, right?" he asked her.

"Fantastic!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands.

He then leaned over and whispered something in her ear, making her laugh.

He flipped his hand over, revealing that the coin had reappeared in the palm of his hand.

Daenera applauded once again, impressed by his skills.

"You're quite the magician, my prince," she said, smiling at him.

He took her hand and kissed it tenderly, feeling grateful for her love and admiration.

"I have many talents, my Lady, but making you smile is my greatest one," he said with a charming grin.

Daemon had a satisfied smirk on his lips. Saera rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed. Aemond sucked his teeth and got up, heading towards Daenera.

He approached her, bowing deeply. "May I have the pleasure of this dance, my lady?" he asked.

Daenera smiled and got up, curtsying in return. "Of course, my prince," she replied, taking his hand.

They moved to the center of the floor, their eyes locked on each other. The music started, and they began to dance  slowly at first, then building in intensity as the tempo increased.

"How are you enjoying the capital?" He asked her.

"It is very eye-opening your grace." She answered with a sweet smile.

Aemond felt as though he were floating on air he had never danced with someone so talented, so perfect. He matched her movements, twirling her around in a graceful spin.

As they danced, their bodies grew closer together. Daenera felt the warmth of Aemond's hand on her back, guiding her every move.

Maegor and Saera watched them intensely with a sour expression.

The music rose, and they spun faster and faster, almost losing themselves in the movement. They felt as though they were the only ones in the room, lost in the rhythm of the dance.

Aemond looked at her, her eyes sparkling with joy, and when the dance finally ended, they remained there, holding each other close, lost in each other's embrace.

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