Sibling Rivalry

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Aemond and Daenera now had two children less than year apart. Aenys was the eldest child just being four years old. He was much like Aemond and seemed to enjoy dragon riding, fighting, and always wanted to be around his father.

As for their second son, Daeron, he was completely different from his older brother. He preferred spending his time with his mother and Shira. He liked studying history and learning new languages. The one thing the boys did have in common were their similar features and silver hair. Daeron also seemed to be smarter for his age. Daenera described him as having an old soal.

Saera married Tyland Lannister but was still living in the castle, seeing as Tyland served on then Kings council. She had been married to him for three years now but still has not produced and heir.


Daenera stood in front of her son Aenys, who was bouncing up and down with excitement. She was trying to dress him, but it was proving to be a difficult task with his constant fidgeting.

"Aenys, hold still for just a moment," she said, trying to keep a firm grip on his arm.

"But, father is taking me dragon egg hunting!" Aenys exclaimed, his eyes wide with anticipation.

She couldn't help but smile at her son's enthusiasm. It was clear that he had inherited his father's love of dragons, and his eagerness to go on this adventure was infectious.

"I know, my love," she said, finally managing to pull his shirt over his head. "Yes, but you need protective clothing, my love."

Aenys nodded, still bouncing on the balls of his feet. Daenera quickly pulled on his jacket, then knelt down to tie his boots.

As she worked, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry in her chest. Dragon egg hunting was a dangerous activity, even for someone as skilled as her husband. But she knew that Aemond would do everything in his power to keep their son safe.

"Are you ready?" She asked, standing up and taking Aenys' hand.

"Yes!" Aenys exclaimed, practically dragging her towards the door.

She chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. She could barely keep up with her son's boundless energy.

Daeron rolled his eyes at his brother and followed behind his mother and brother with Shira at his side.

As they made their way outside, Aemond was waiting for them, mounted on his dragon Vhagar. The massive beast let out a low growl as they approached, but Aenys simply gazed up at her in wonder.

"Are you ready for an adventure?" Aemond asked, a smile on his face.

"Yes." Aenys said, hopping up and down.

Aemond gave his younger son a nod, and Daeron nodded back.

Daenera watched as her husband lifted Aenys onto the dragon's back, his arms wrapping around him protectively. She couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and love for her family as they took off into the sky, their destination unknown.

As she watched them disappear from view, she knew that her husband and son were in good hands. They were both fierce and brave, with hearts full of love for each other and for their dragons.

Daeron snuggled and held onto his mother's leg. She smiled down at him, running a hand through his curly, silver hair. She often wondered why his hair was so curly since she had straight hair, and so did Aemond.

"What's on your mind, my sweet boy?" she asked.

Daeron looked up at her with big, serious eyes. "Does father like Aenys more than me?" he asked, his voice quiet.

She felt her heart break a little at her son's words. She knew that Aemond loved both of their sons equally, but she could understand why Daeron might feel that way sometimes. Aenys was four years old, and he often got to do things that Daeron was too young for.

"No, my love," she said, pulling Daeron closer to her. "He loves you and Aenys just the same. You're both very special to him."

Daeron looked up at her with a small smile, but she could see the doubt in his eyes. "But why does Aenys get to do things that I can't?" he asked.

She sighed, knowing that this was a conversation that they needed to have. "Aenys is older than you, my sweet boy. He's able to do some things that you're not quite ready for yet. But that doesn't mean that your father loves him more."

Daeron thought about this for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Okay," he said, snuggling closer to her.

Daenera hugged him tightly, feeling a surge of love and protectiveness towards her youngest son. She knew that he was still very young and that he might have more questions like this in the future. But she promised herself that she would always be there for him, to reassure him of his father's love and to help him feel secure in his place in their family.

"Remember, Daeron," she said, looking down at him. "You and Aenys are both very special to us. We love you both with all our hearts."

Meanwhile, Tyland Lannister sat in his desk, his face etched with frustration and anger as he looked over the latest reports from his various holdings. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing, something that should have been there. And then it hit him he still had no heir.

He turned to his wife, Saera Targaryen, who was sitting across from him. "Saera, we need to talk."

Saera looked up from her needlework, sensing the tension in her husband's voice. "What is it?"

"You know what it is," Tyland snapped. "We have been married for years now, and still no child. What is the problem?"

Saera's face fell, and she looked down at her hands. "I'm sorry, Tyland. I have done everything in my power to give you an heir, but it seems the gods have other plans."

Tyland slammed his hand down on the desk, making Saera jump. "That's not good enough! House Lannister needs an heir, and you have failed in your duty as my wife."

Saera's eyes filled with tears. "I know, Tyland. I feel the weight of that responsibility every day. But it's not as simple as you make it out to be."

Tyland stood up, towering over Saera. "I don't care how difficult it is. You are a Targaryen, supposedly blessed by the gods, and yet you can't even give me a single child. What use are you to me, then?"

Saera stood up as well, her voice shaking with anger. "Men always assume women are the problem, but what if it's just you, hm?"

"What did you say to me?" He growled.

"Just saying mabye I'm not the problem here. " She snapped back.

Tyland planted a hard slap on her face, causing her to fall back. "Watch how you talk to me."

Saera cried softly and held her cheek.

"Am I understood?"

"Yes." She whispered.

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